Ah, there it is ... the smell of Monday morning ... doesn't it just make you want to climb back under the covers? No, no, no, my friends! Pull yourselves out of that stupor and get to it. Pull the bandaid off. Make it happen. Seize the day and own it. Make the best of this one, folks, as it's the only one we get!
Well, well, well ... the wifey treated me to an all-new laptop over the weekend, folks. (She's really too good to be true, isn't she?) The one I've been using has just started to behave so poorly that it was about time. It hadn't crapped out completely, but it was clearly struggling with some processing issue. A few websites were starting to appear 'funky' (that's the only term I can apply to it), so I'm wondering if a little 'something something' weren't occuring deep within. No way for me to know -- no a techie person in the slightest -- and here we are. I spent the better part of Sunday afternoon transferring files from one laptop to the new, loading up softwares, and going through the usual routine of transitioning from one machine to another. I did buy an extra peripheral device that (cough cough) Amazon.com SAID was a damn near necessary add-on, but lo and behold it requires a connective cord that the laptop itself doesn't even have a port for, so I'll have to be talking to the retailer today to figure out why they bundled these items together in the first place. (They always screw you at the drive-thru.)
Also -- for those who like this kind of information -- she treated me to a late Saturday afternoon showing of Star Wars: Episode II - Attack Of The Clones on the big screen at the nearby cheapie theater. Fabulous to see some authentic Star Wars back on the silver screen, no? I just can't pass them up when they're in the area, and this one had a very good turnout (to my surprise). With all of those folks who reportedly hated the Prequel Trilogy, it was impressive to see such a positive reception for the George Lucas stuff. If my time allows, then we'll be taking in Revenge Of The Sith next weekend for posterity. Gotta love it.
Also -- and this is just for information's sake -- the posts to the MainPage might be a bit off today, tomorrow, and Wednesday. I have a minor medical procedure scheduled for Wednesday morning, and there's a bit of prep that goes into it as well. I mention this solely because it'll likely cut into my time spent updating the Daily Citations as well as posting new material. (Holy Mother of Dragons, I have a short stack of films I received on Friday and Saturday, so I've my work cut out for me.) So if you're watching for reviews, then it'll likely be slim over the next few days. Gotta do what one's gotta do, you know. I'll try to get something up, but just warning you if it's quiet.
Otherwise, here's the real reason why you're here ...
As always, thanks for reading ... and live long and prosper!
-- EZ