I'm reading this morning over on Yahoo News (and other outlets) about how Shatner spoke at the recent Saturn Awards about his desire to return to the Trek franchise in the role of Capt. Kirk, much in the same way that the late Leonard Nimoy enjoyed appearances in JJ's Star Trek and (the God-awful) Star Trek Into Darkness ... and I can't help but ask myself, "Why?" Why go back and visit a character that's pretty much lived up to about as much potential cinematically as it ever could? I suspect -- in some regards -- that maybe this is (ahem) vanity (both good and bad aspects of it) because Shatner believes there may yet be a story to tell ... but methinks JJ's ego probably won't let any highly regarded Thespian who speaks for a generation to take over his projects.
Again, I don't offer this up to diss either storyteller. Abrams certainly has his supporters (if Box Office is any indication) whereas Shatner methinks has earned the right to speak whenever he wants about the state of Trek past, present, and future. Maybe Bill is trying to con JJ into one more ride in the captain's chair ... or maybe it's just the fans who are suffering the con of both men. Whatever the case, I'd rather the franchise boldly go where no one has gone before instead of where it's at today.
My two cents ...
As always, thanks for reading ... and live long and prosper!