First, I'm arguably one of the most enthusiast Star Wars fans I know.
Two, I rarely -- if ever -- get all that excited by announcements, trailers, casting news, etc. My two cents on those matters is that even the best actor or actress alive can kill a terrific script; so why get all jazzed about the finished product before I get to see the finished product?
Lastly, when it comes to all things George Lucas, I tend to cut the guy some slack creatively. Sure, he's pretty hands off at this point in the Star Wars mythmaking business, but the rumor was this new trilogy was launched off of an outline he provided.
So now the 'Interweb' is all ablaze over the announced name of the impending flick, and it looks like it's going to 'officially' be STAR WARS: EPISODE VII - THE FORCE AWAKENS.
Like I said, I tend not to make too much stuff of things like this, but I did want to sound off with a fundamental curiosity: when exactly could something like The Force go nighty-night? I mean -- it's an energy field, yes? One that binds us, penetrates us, etc., so how exactly could a universal thing like The Force go to sleep?
I know what the rumors are about the storyline (I won't spoil it here because I prefer to deal with things officially put out by the studio), but rest assured I won't be the first to suggest that with a name like "The Force Awakens" I've got a bad feeling about this.
JJ Abrams and company? Feel free to prove me wrong.