... And May Is Still On The Rise!
Check out May 21st's citations right here.
As always, thanks for reading ... and live long and prosper!
... And May Is Still On The Rise!Happy Monday, peeps, and here's another cause and a pause for celebration as today's page -- May 21st -- has reached its benchmark 50 citations! Way to go, me ... and, of course, you for remaining one of SciFiHistory.Net's faithful readers.
Check out May 21st's citations right here. As always, thanks for reading ... and live long and prosper!
Rest In Peace, Margot KidderI'm an old school Superman fan from way back in my youth, and that's why the news of Margot Kidder's passing hits me hard on this day in SciFiHistory. For all intents and purposes, she was my first Lois Lane as I was never quite a fan of the popular 1950's television incarnation. (For the record, I didn't hate it; it just never quite struck me as all that interesting.) For a handful of Super-movies, she paired up opposite Christopher Reeve, delivering what many thought to be a wonderfully contemporary version of a feminized non-Superhero, always ready with a quip to help put that dullard Clark Kent back on his heels.
I do recall from some reading that she'd fallen on hard times -- a fate which befalls many actors and actresses who can't secure work in their later years -- but here's hoping that, in the end, she accomplished everything she wanted as a fellow human being. Certainly, her legacy will live on so long as there are movies featuring superheroes and those who share their space, and that looks to be for many years ahead. May she rest in peace ... May Is On The Rise!I'd recently received an email regarding why there hadn't been any updates to the FrontPage area of SciFiHistory.Net, and the short and sweet answer is two-fold: (1) I didn't have anything I felt strong enough to post and (2) I've been working a side gig helping a fellow friend get his business back on track after some corporate chaos. But with May 14th I'm back on the feed -- so to speak -- and I noticed that the 14th is the first 50+ citation day for the month, a definite cause for celebration!
So keep your eyes out for some new content. I have a few items in the hopper, but never forget that the days are really what this site is all about. As always, thanks for reading ... and live long and prosper! |