'Annihilation' Is Coming ... in 2018
Unlike other bloggers, I don't pretend to know everything. All I do know is based on my own reading and experiences, as well as facts and tips I get passed on to me (occasionally) from others both in the entertainment business and beyond. And when studio advertising executives try to convince you that they have 'the next big thing' in store for you, don't ever believe it. Their job -- as a matter of fact -- is to make you accept such a promise (and premise) without a second thought, and I'm just not wired that way, especially when it comes to studio executives. (Remember: they were the ones that passed on Star Wars so often that George Lucas pretty much had to do anything he could to get 20th Century Fox to give him a chance.)
2014's Ex Machina was a great Science Fiction feature, but -- in my opinion -- it wasn't all that "original." Alex Garland's deep and personal look at living with Artificial Intelligence is pretty grand and exciting ... but "original"? Well, it's only original if you haven't seen the treasure trove of films and TV series' episodes that had already explored such an idea ad infinitum. What Ex Machina did, however, was bring the topic to the attention of the greater entertainment industry AND its critical intelligentsia; and thus a modest-sized blockbuster was born. (Again, I'm not nitpicking here so much as I'm trying to be brutally honest: I like the film, but I just didn't think it was all that "original" ... so take that, haters!)
Next up for Mr. Garland is Annihilation. It's based on a novel by Jeff VanderMeer. The trailer dropped, and I wanted to get it up here on SciFiHistory.Net for those interested in such projects. Hopefully this one will be (minimally) as interesting as Ex Machina as Garland does do some pretty spiffy work.