Woop! Woop! Woop!
Well, well, well ...
Good morning, folks, and welcome back to the shuffle. I know, I know, I know. You'd rather be in bed or at the park or at the movies or anywhere else; but -- as they say -- it is what it is. And you'll be better off for keeping up the fight than you were rolling over in bed.
I'll tell you what. I'll let you in on a little secret. Technically ... technically ... I'm over 100 different trivia citations for the day. But because of the way I track certain items I'm keeping the headcount at 94 for the day, and I'll update it accordingly the next time around the sun. That way, next will look like I had a nice big bump. Plus, I've got a few more new items on tap that I'm intending to add over the course of the day. Woof!
Otherwise, it was a reasonably quiet weekend around the SciFiHistory.Net studios. I do try to squeeze in a few hours of blogwork on Saturday and Sunday, but I came up short this weekend. I'll even normally try to get an announcement on the MainPage, but I just couldn't get to that, either. Apologies, folks. Blogging ain't what it used to be. That and Weebly -- the company where I host the site -- had "issues" with its internal reportage, giving me absolutely zero site traffic reports for the weekend, so maybe it just wasn't meant to be.
Nonetheless, as there's an incredible near-100 different trivia citations awaiting your discover this morning, there's an awful lot that can keep your busy in your downtime. Please be sure to check it out -- like and share, if you please -- because genre truly has 'something for everyone' these days, and that's just one of the many reasons I try to celebrate it as much as I do on the site.
Here's the Yellow Brick Road you can follow ...
As always, thanks for reading ... thanks for sharing ... thanks for being a fan ... and live long and prosper!
-- EZ