Good morning and continued blessings to you and yours, gentle readers!
Second Order of Business:
No, no, and no: I haven't watched Zack Snyder's Rebel Moon, but thanks for asking. Honestly, I don't know that I will, and I say this specifically because the storyteller is already on record explaining that there will be another cut -- one more adult-themed, or something -- that kinda/sorta recaptures the story in a different way.
Now ... you folks know me: I don't usually do hole 'pile-on' when it comes to storytellers. I do think that the good ones deserve a bit of freedom to step out into the limelight and weave a yarn as distinctly as possible for discriminating audiences. Orson Welles and the Mercury Theatre did that all the time, and look how well it worked out for them? (No, no, and no: I'm not suggesting that Snyder is the reincarnation or Second Coming of Orson Welles.) Viewers go into a movie or television show with a level of expectation, and Snyder has shown himself capable of both working with what they expect and somehow going a bit more, even when less was what was truly needed. Without getting into any protracted cross examination of his library, I will say that his cut of Justice League is exactly how an epic myth should be told on the screen, and I'll leave it at that.
But with Rebel Moon ... this is a whole new playing field, so why in all that is holy would you start right out of the gate with two cuts? There's no audience established yet -- it's an entirely fresh IP, so far as I know -- and I'm starting to think that perhaps way more was bitten off than anyone could chew. No storyteller should be granted two unique different cuts just because, and when it looks so much like that's what was planned from the beginning then I'm not so sure that the audience's expectations were ever kept in mind. I'm a capitalist, so I can appreciate an obvious 'cash grab' here and there, but I'm really struggling with the corporate logic here with an untried premise.
So, frankly, I'm undecided at this point. I had fully intended to watch it and review it. Now that I know this cut may not even be the one that's intended to establish this story? I'm thinking, "Why bother?"
Third Order of Business:
Okay, okay, and okay. Now that we got that rumination out of the way, let's get down to the brass tacks, as they say.
You're here for the straight skinny, and the straight skinny is that -- sigh -- I still have some work to do in amping up the volume to 11 so far as December 23rd is concerned. Of course, there are some fabulous trivia references in here -- I accept nothing less -- but, presently, it's only a mind-boggling fifty-two different ones ... and my readers deserve more. My archives has quite a bit for addition, but -- this being the holidays -- my time is very limited. The wifey and I are taking off for our destination only a few hours from now, so, yeah, my time is VERY limited.
Without further ado ...
As always, thank you for being a reader ... thank you for sharing ... thank you for being a fan ... and live long and prosper!
-- EZ