No, no, and no: that isn't any kind of admission about any fear of growing older. No, I'm talking about finding humor in everyday things, much like I think I've always done since Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure introduced me to joking about the number 69 every damn time I see it. That's what I mean. There's a level of juvenile appreciation to some humor, and I don't want to grow up if I can't take this juvenile attitude with me. That's all I'm saying.
Otherwise ... good morning, gentle readers! Welcome to Tuesday, November 21st. Are your turkeys in the oven yet? Have you even purchased them yet? Is that turkey baking aroma starting to make your mouth water? Well, of course, it's a bit early, but just the thought of it has me salivating, I can tell you that very much. Yes, we're going to enjoy ours at home; and, yes, it'll likely be reasonably quiet. Nothing wrong with that. I generally try to give the little lady a hand in the kitchen, and we come up with some fabulous eating. Can't wait.
Otherwise, I have slim pickings for you today, my friends. Nothing all that much to report. I spent the better part of yesterday's free time working on some site issues, and I haven't had the chance to watch and review anything yet this week. I do have some items definitely on tap -- I received an email confirmation from a distributor just this morning regarding a small handful of genre titles headed my way -- so there's a time and a place for new content. You'll have some stuff very soon. And I did finish streaming Bodies on Netflix, and I've been tinkering with a short review of that. Once it's up, you know where it'll be.
But I have som errands to run this morning -- getting ready to take off in a few minutes, in fact -- and I do have my volunteer gig this afternoon, so, alas, I likely won't have time to get anything else up today. If I do, then I'll tweet it out for good measure. But ... in all likelihood? Probably not gonna happen. Just too much going on today.
So ... without further delay ...
As always, thanks for reading ... thanks for sharing ... thanks for being a fan ... and live long and prosper!
-- EZ