I do know that I have been caught speaking a bit flippantly about them here and there in the blogosphere or even on my daily citation pages; but that's only because to me it seems like this vast, vast property, and it came into being well after my time with what I'd consider to be more kid-friendly entertaining and/or programming. Yes, I've seen a few episodes of various incarnations here and there; and while I might admire what it does in small ways it just isn't nor wasn't my cup of tea. As I said, I was a bit older and had definitely moved into what I'd call meatier pursuits. As they say: "to each his own ..."
But, yes, I saw the news over the weekend on Twitter when the original rumors of Jason David Frank's passing started hitting the web. (In case you missed it, there was a lot of hubbub regarding it for quite some time.) I did what any faithful in genre circles would do -- I cautioned folks not to overreact, to wait for official confirmation, and to hope for the best and pray for the worst. I even engaged with a few folks on the Twitter feed -- there were some who were adamant it was a vicious hoax, and I tried to just calm them down -- which is something I normally try to avoid.
The thing is: losing a hero is never easy. While I'll never agree that any particular actor is a hero, I'd still agree that talented men and women have a way of transcending the ordinary, lifting up their performances -- if not their lives -- to the extraordinary ... and -- without a doubt -- Jason David Frank touched a whole helluva lot of people. Some of that was through his work. Some of that was through his career since Power Rangers. Some of that was through the convention circuit. However he may've made a legacy, it's very clear that he has one, and -- with his loss -- I think all of us should choose to thankful for the positive impact he may've made on television, movies, fandom, and beyond.
It's never easy saying goodbye. No matter the circumstances, the sum total of any man's life is so much more than how he or she leaves this plane of existence.
Thoughts and prayers are extended to the family, friends, and fans of Jason David Frank.
-- EZ