It isn't every day that I get to stop and smell the sweet, sweet aroma of success, but October 26th is officially one for our records book, folks, as -- just this morning -- the corresponding citations page (here) reached an incredible 100 different bits of SciFi, Fantasy, and Horror trivia for interested readers.
I've always said that -- way, way back when I started cataloguing such minutiae -- that the inevitable goal would be to have, at least, 100 different citations on any given day of the calendar year. While it's taken me an incredible amount of research -- along with formatting changes and the like -- some of these days are starting to shape up the way I like. That's why I thought it entirely appropriate to pen a quick acknowledgement post to honor all of these movers, shakers, smilers, and knuckleheads ... as well as giving myself an affectionate nod.
It ain't easy, peeps. It's a time-consuming entity, this place is. But I do it out of my never-ending love of genre, and -- if nothing else -- I hope that comes through with each and every little factoid I'm thrilled to add to this space. This place is constantly, constantly growing: I just checked my research archives, and -- even though I'm probably done with my tinkering for today -- I still have well over fifty other items for October 26th that I'm hoping to get up in black-and-white. As I said, it just takes time.
In any event, this will likely be the only post on the MainPage for today. I have a dental appointment later this morning, so I'm off to see that wizard shortly.
As always, thanks for reading ... and live long and prosper!
-- EZ