Me? Oh, thanks for asking. I had a dental appointment. Ugh. But that's over for now, so let's get down to the business of promoting All Things Genre!
Perhaps the biggest shout-out for today is that October 24th is the birthday for Bob Kane. For those of you born on a distant planet, Kane was the comic book creator responsible for bringing Batman to life for audiences. His is a justly revered creation -- one I've been actively following since the 1970's as a reader and watcher -- and he's one of my all-time top favorite superheroes. (Yes, yes, and yes: I'm fully aware that there are those who suggest Batman is not a superhero, but that's an argument for another day and another time.) So put on your best Bat-shirts today to show some honor to the late Mr. Kane on this special day.
Yesterday, I had the good fortune of screening a few flicks on home video, both of which I fully intend to review in this space. Keep your eyes peeled as I might get one or both up later today; I do have a few things around the house I'm trying to get done, so my minutes might be a bit limited.
Otherwise, here's what you're really looking for ...
As always, thanks for reading ... thanks for sharing ... thanks for being a fan ... and live long and prosper!
-- EZ