As my own public service announcement, I just posted my review of 1972's Horrorific spectral yarn -- Tombs Of The Blind Dead -- right here, and I encourage interested folks to both check it out and maybe even consider picking up a copy. EuroHorror isn't for everyone, I realize, but this one is quite adept in creating a wonderful atmosphere for the cast and crew to exploit in bringing things that go bump in the night to cinematic life. I've read that the film did fuel a bit of a resurgence in popularity in Spanish Horror -- I'll admit to not seeing a great many entries in that field -- so it certainly did something right. It all gets a bit loose in the big finish for my tastes -- when storytellers can't quite close the deal because they want to leave things undone for sequels and the like, I tend to get cold feet -- but it's still an interesting diversion. And this is the month of true Horror, after all, what with Halloween lurking right around the corner.
That reminds me: I've got to get my Halloween decorations up soon.
Egad. Is my work never done?!
In any event, I'm here to encourage all interested parties to check out the trivia citations for this day of the Lord -- October 19th, 2023 -- as there are a good handful of trivia nuggets in there. One of my favorite genre actors -- Roger Cross -- turns a year older and wiser, as does famed storyteller, actor, and director Jon Favreau. (You still disappointed me in not defending Gina Carano, Jon!) Of course, there's more -- a lot more -- and I'm even scanning the Archives for a few new possible additions. I might get them up today ... or I might call it quits to work on some Halloween decor. I really do need to get going on that. My yard is usually quite legendary, if I do say so myself.
As always, thanks for reading ... thanks for sharing ... thanks for being a fan ... and live long and prosper!
-- EZ