Over the weekend -- on top of developing a very, very nasty tooth issue that hopefully will be dealt with today -- I visited a local WalMart and scored a couple of fabulous finds, the first of which I've already opened up and snapped a few pictures of this morning.
I'd written previously about securing a few of the Micro Galaxy Squadron finds -- these exceptional Star Wars molds all built to roughly the same scale as a previous toy issue -- and this AT-ST is a delight. Honestly, I'd even forgotten that this one was out there, having only seen it I believe once listed in an online article about this line's release. The stores have had more than a fair share of TIE Fighters and Darth Vader's TIE Fighter, but some of these other items must be extremely short-packed. Indeed, take a gander over at the ol' eBay, and you'll see an incredible of assortment of them going for a pretty hefty price; given the number of them turning up at this point, I think it's safe to suggest that more of them have flooded the merchant marketplace, and sellers are trying to unload them while the asking price can still be pretty impressive. I took mine out of the package just this a.m., and I'm glad I did. I love tinkering with these little things.
In any event, I smalled a few pictures and wanted to share them. I'll try to get up some snaps of the other items I found later in the week, as I'm off to brush my teeth and hit the dentist's office fairly soon.
In the meantime ... may the Force be with us!
-- EZ