A scientist researching extraterrestrial life names the substance "Blood Rust" (scientists, eh. Always coming up with such imaginative names) and discovers it is deadly when it comes into contact with humans. He, however, dies from exposure to Blood Rust (careless), and a pair of government agents must track down his former lover, who is unwittingly spreading the pathogen (bad girl).
Again, there is probably some allegory about diseases or communism or something, or it could just be a story of how dangerous exploring the unknown is, or it could be something about never trusting mushrooms from outer space. Also, I’m not quite sure why it was called Space Master X-7. “Spacemaster” sounds like a character from a 1930s or 1940s Flash Gordon/Buck Rogers Saturday morning serial.
But in this story it is either the rocketship or the fungus, I’m not quite sure but what if it is the fungus? Maybe in its civilisation it is the top dog, the Alpha male. Do fungi have male/female gender differences or are they androgynous? Do they have a class or caste system? I did actually look up fungi on the internet and found that there are two classifications.
- The Higher Classification is Eukaryote
- The Lower Classification is Dikarya, Chytridiomycota, Yeast, etc.
But does this mean that the Higher Classification looks down on the lower one? Is Dikarya subservient to Eukaryote? Does Eukaryote use yeast to clean out its cupboards? Assuming it has cupboards of course. I'm not sure but as you can see I did do some research into the subject, so I'm not making it up although, to be honest, I am now starting to ramble.
So until the next time...