Last night, I had the good fortune of attending the Fathom Events presentation of the two-part season (eight) finale for BBC's Doctor Who: "Dark Water" and "Death In Heaven" were seamlessly joined together in one glorious 3D presentation. And, yes, it looked marvelous. Storywise, it still had some off the misfires I remembered from its airing on BBC America ... but let me tell you: it sure looked wonderful up on the silver screen. I left wondering why the BBC didn't fashion every two-parter into some theatrical 3D event, or at the very least plan one per season for hungry fans like the rest of us.
(FYI: For those of you who missed it, Fathom Events is repeating it in this same limited theatrical engagement this evening, so why not head over to their website if you're interested to check if it's showing near you?)
I've read elsewhere that television early in its history ended up hurting the movie houses. Now that the movie houses are struggling, could it be that TV events like this could save the motion picture industry? I know the folks at BBC pour their heart and soul into Doctor Who, elevating even the lesser episodes to better-than-average affairs, so why not utilize what you have in the can in order to boost the franchises popularity with an annual repeat on the silver screen? Seems like a no-brainer to this man with no brain.
In any events, that's not why you're here: rather, you're here for today's highlights, so let's dispense with the meandering and get down to the brass tacks:
September 16th
As always, thanks for reading ... and live long and prosper!