I was doing a bit of research this morning into some obscure topic (Hell, I don't even remember how I started down this particular rabbit hole at the time), and I jumped over to the reliable YouTube.com to do a bit of further digging. You know the YouTube.com? Great little site, that one is. Anyway, I've been getting some really unusually prompts as a result of the research digging when -- lo and behold -- up comes a suggestion for me to check out this interview actor Paul Williams did with Johnny Carson on the famed set of The Tonight Show. It looks like this thing has been up there for a short while, and I had never heard that Williams showed up for his time in the TV spotlight in full movie make-up for his stint aboard 1973's Battle For The Planet Of The Apes! Good lord! It must've been incredibly hot under all of that make-up, prosthetics, and costume in those lights!
Williams was also a bit of a funny character, and he gets in some great comic insights about his work, the role, and society at large ... so I thought I'd put this up on the MainPage to point others from my era in the direction. At a time when so many (cough cough) young actors and actresses are spewing unmitigated hate and venom on the various intellectual properties they have the good fortune to be paid to represent, I found it goddam refreshing to see a true talent so bought into his experience that he wanted to carry it a step further. Good on you, Mr. Williams ... good on you!
As always, thanks for reading ... thanks for sharing ... thanks for being a fan ... and live long and prosper!
-- EZ