My, my, my ... it's incredible how quickly these weeks are flying by already! Before you know it, Halloween will be here (already started work on my annual decoration additions), then Thanksgiving, and then the big silly season will be upon us. Make sure to start your shopping early this year, folks, as it's never too late to get something on sale for that special someone.
Well ... how about that Ahsoka, eh?
No, no, and no. This is not a review. To be honest, I haven't even watched it yet, but I couldn't help but get caught up in the spoilers leaking all over the Information Superhighway last night. Were I a younger man, I probably would be very upset with folks who dribble such facts in an attempt to either bolster their own online presence and/or destroy mankind's chance of going into any program completely blind. I've really never much cared about knowing some factoids in advance; in some cases, I've even found it a bit helpful (things like Marvel wherein I'm not up on the mythology, etc.). But it definitely looks like the episode stirred the pot more than a bit. I even listened to a few reviews this morning because I couldn't help myself whilst I was doing some graphics work. As I said, I haven't seen it; I'll likely watch tonight (with the wifey) and pen a review thereafter. I will say that I've found the show a tad disappointing thus far: it has some interesting ideas, but I'm really not seeing the sense of urgency behind any of it. Filoni can be a mixed bag for me, but I do think the franchise is in pretty capable hands with him.
As for today's trivia citations?
Oh, my oh my! The big one for me -- and it's really the only major citation so far as I'm concerned -- was the premiere of Superman: The Animated Series on this day back in 1996. From what I recall, I loved the show through-and-through; I've always been a big fan of Supes, and I think the show did as well for me as did Batman: The Animated Series in delving into Supes' mythology, presenting it for modern audiences in such a way as to make all of it very compelling. It had some epic stories -- big and small -- and I do believe it certainly paved the way for the animated Justice League to follow up quite nicely. Actor Tim Daly did a fabulous job in voicing both Clark Kent and the Man Of Steel, and if you haven't seen it (or watched any of it lately) today is as good a day as any to give it a whirl. I suspect you'll like what you find.
Also, the fabulous Anne Lockhart -- she of the original Battlestar Galactica fame -- turns another year wiser today. Back in the days of my youth, she was a somewhat regular across a great number of SciFi and/or Fantasy series. I'll always remember her smiling, and she was such a shining presence whenever she showed up for work. Seriously, I wish we had more actresses like her turning in fabulous turns all across genre properties; there are a few out there, and maybe I'll pen myself a column on that topic sometime in the near future.
In any event ... let me get out of your way now so that I can point you properly in the direction of the real reason you're here ...
Lastly, I am working on a review that I hope to have up later today, so keep your eyes peeled for that.
As always, thanks for reading ... thanks for sharing on the Information Superhighway ... and live long and prosper!
-- EZ