Honestly, when I do feel the strain of current events trying to put me down, I tend to retreat into the realm of the storyteller; and I'm inclined to toss in a good movie, something that was largely made in an era when flicks were always intended to be far more escapist than anything else. Oh, there may've been a message here or there, but films of an earlier era rarely banged the political drum the way these children writing both television and theatrical yarns do today. I don't fault them so much as I should -- a screenwriter's gotta eat, after all -- but, for what it's worth, I'll always prefer the crew of the original Starship Enterprise over any of their TV spin-offs, reboots, and revamps any day of the week. Nothing -- but nothing -- beats this crew. Nothing.
Like so many Trek enthusiasts, sure, I get a bit peeved from time-to-time when Paramount decides to dip back into that well for another release, especially ones that really pony up nothing new. It isn't as if there's some untapped vault somewhere with troves and troves of never-before-scene vignettes just waiting for discovery. Alas, the years since the original Trek films have begun to pile up; and I'd imagine that studio preservationists have likely searched everywhere for something yet unseen only to come up empty. The result? Well, "let's clean up the original print even more" and stick some $100 price tag on it for history's sake!
Still, I will say that I did take the opportunity to revisit Star Trek: The Motion Picture (1979) -- yes, the one we've all been told to hate -- when it made the rounds not all that long ago with this all-new 4K restoration. (Honestly, I still love the movie over four decades after seeing it in theaters.) I give you my word that I don't think it's ever looked better, and seeing the Director's Cut once again available for personal consumption means that I'll be taking a trip to my corner retailer sometime this week to snag myself a copy.
"Dear editor, if you're so opposed to the nickel-and-diming of Paramount, then why would you give them another two bits?"
As I said above, there's nothing that beats a trip into the Final Frontier with the original crew. When I'm feeling low, I'll even put on the original series as a pick-me-up; so 'another two bits' is a small price to pay when we're talking about keeping one's sanity, no?
In any event ...
I just wanted readers to know that these are hitting the shelves today. If you're so inclined, go out and pick yourself up a copy. Shatner's waiting. As is Nimoy. And Kelley. Along with the rest.
The human adventure is just beginning ...
-- EZ