(FYI: I'm a bit damn angry right now because I'm having to rewrite this post as Weebly.com didn't save it the first time I typed it out and saved it, but any blogger will tell you that sometimes these unfortunate events happen. So ... let me calm my jets a minute, and then I'll get back to the business of bringing you today's information ...)
Well, well, well ...
I guess the big ticket item I see for August 22nd is that the day serves as the birthday for famed Science Fiction and Fantasy scribe Ray Bradbury. I certainly hope that every one who sees this post has read at least one story and/or novel from the man, as this guy's abilities to spin some of literature's grandest adventures is damn near unmatched.
Growing up, I was aware of the writer, but I didn't really get into what he had to offer until high school. If I remember correctly, Bradbury's The Martian Chronicles was required reading for that course -- it may've been one of the choices presented to the class, and I chose it as it clearly was something near and dear to my interests of the day. While I couldn't say for sure, I do believe that Bradbury was a personal favorite of the teacher (she definitely loved reading passages of his stuff aloud), and it always helps to 'get inspired' when you're being taught by one who finds inspiration in such prose. She even had the NBC miniseries of the day on videocassette, and we watched a few installments of it for comparison's sake. So, yes, I even loved the miniseries -- the one that Bradbury rather famously trashed in the press. He hated it. In fact, a few years later -- when he had his own The Ray Bradbury Theater -- he remade several chapters of it for that serial. So far as this reviewer is concerned, both efforts are worth your time and effort, especially if you're a fan of his works. They're both very faithful adaptations.
And, of course, the Browncoats have reason to celebrate August 22nd as it was on this day all the way back in 2005 that the Serenity movie finally came to life on the big screen. Sorry, folks, but I wasn't much a fan of that property. The TV show in some ways felt a bit too derivative of some other shows and/or movies for my tastes. It had the benefit of a great cast, sure, but the narrative just never quite looked me. I'm glad it got a movie, and I think it's grand that it exploded as a phenomenon for a brief time. Who knows? Maybe we'll see it back in some shape or form (on screens) in the days, weeks, months, and/or years ahead. Every now and then, there's a press blurb about a reboot, so it could happen.
Otherwise, that's all I've got for now. So here's what you're really interested in ...
As always, thanks for reading ... thanks for sharing on social media and the like ... and live long and prosper!
-- EZ