Not a whole lot to report upon casually this morning. Yes, yes, yes: we're still in the midst of a writer's and actor's strike here in the land of the free and the home of the brave, so the news of any entertainment developments is a bit slim. I did see the fuss being made online about Lucasfilm's Kathleen Kennedy putting her house up for sale; and -- like so many -- I wonder what that's all about. I know the Vegas odds certainly suggest that this means her time in charge of All Things Star Wars might be nearing its end (as do other contributing factors), but until she's packed up and gone -- with the obligatory studio announcement of the end of her tenure -- I'm not going to be counting any chickens before they hatch. Unlike so many, I don't fault her for everything that's gone wrong with the Intellectual Property -- there are far too many movie parts in any franchise to point the finger at a sole individual -- but, yes, evidence minimally suggests that perhaps she didn't have the best interests of Luke, Han, and Leia in mind at any stage of the game. I understand the desire to "move along," but why should you do that merely for the sake of doing it? Why not give our cultural heroes one last hurrah when you had the chance? Oh, well. It is what it is.
Other than that, it was a reasonably quiet weekend, and yet I still managed to squeeze in some Star Wars stuff that I'll likely be talking about in another post. In short, I caught that screening of The Phantom Menace on Saturday that I had spoken about last week, and I wanted to offer up a humble reflection. But I also picked up a Rogue Squadron trade paperback, finished it after a few feverish hours of reading, and I might have a little 'something something' to say about that as well later today. Keep your eyes peeled.
In any event, enough with the pleasantries and let's get down to the brass tacks:
Also, if you could, say a little prayer for the people of Lahaina? What an absolutely devastating reality those folks have found themselves in. I don't know if any of you have had the opportunity to visit the Hawaiian island of Maui and to walk Lahaina's storied streets, but it's a wonderful place. The wifey and I -- back in 2013 or 2014 -- had the good fortune on a business trip; and we just fell in love with the place. So peaceful and so damn beautiful. We took in a few small(ish) touristy stops there, and we just loved it. The pictures of the fire devastation are just so heartwrenching. Our deepest thoughts and prayers go out to those trying to recover.
As always, thanks for reading ... and live long and prosper!
-- EZ