Full disclosure: I know I've mentioned 'round these parts before that I absolutely hate musicals, but there's one voice I just can't resist. Olivia Newton-John has always had the voice of an angel -- so far as this red-blooded adult male is concerned -- and I can't tell you the number of times I've sat through Grease (1978) just to hear her sing. Yes, I've even sat through the tepid cinematic Fantasy Xanadu (1980) once or twice (or maybe three times) just to appreciate her incredible pipes. And I think the wifey and I had the good fortune of seeing her in concert either two or three times when she made it through our respective part of the country. No one quite knew how to light up a room the way she did, and my heart is breaking over the announcement of her passing today.
Though I've not read deeply into the obituaries, I know that she's had a long struggle with cancer. A few years back, I recall that she had to cancel her concert dates in and around the U.S. with the word that her cancer had returned; and I'm suspecting that perhaps this last bout was more than the lady could endure.
Because I'm a genre junkie like few other on the web today, I can tell you that she definitely dipped her toes into the realm of Science Fiction with a top starring role in a little something something called Toomorrow (1970) from Lowndes Productions Limited. Though I've never seen this one, I've long been aware that it involved the lady's band being kidnapped by a group of dying aliens who found strength from the good vibrations of the pop band she headlined in the film; and I'll likely have to search that flick out now that the good lady has left us.
Thoughts and prayers to the family, frends, and fans of the lady.
-- EZ