Now as I've often said I'm really not a huge fan of lists, but anything that promotes Science Fiction? Well, that I'm pretty damn fond of! I do try to be one of SciFi's biggest advocates on the World Wide Web, even though I, myself, read it sparingly. (Again, this is not because I don't like it; rather it's because I have about a billion books in my present backlog, and I'm trying to get through as many of them before I shake off the ol' mortal coil as I can.)
Still, lists are useful for comparison's sake. I'd encourage readers to scan through Screen Rant's accounting if for no other reason than to see how many of them you've either read, are planning to read, or (as is often my case) tried to read but gave up on because the prose either didn't work for you or it was just too darn meaty. (Be honest: it happens.)
Oh, yeah! You can access the article right here.
As always, thanks for reading ... and live long and prosper!