Don't get me wrong: I'm all for being safe, washing hands, and wearing masks and whatnot, but the ongoing shutdown of our global society? This honestly seems a bit like overkill to me. It's clear that the virus is deadly for a certain segment of our society, but do those folks really attend Comic-Con?
As a result of the virus, we've successfully 'flattened the curve' only to prolong the lifetime of the bug, and many events that fans look forward to -- things like Comic-Con -- turned into 'virtual programming' for those interested. I guess that isn't a bad means with which to get out the word on upcoming projects, but given the fact that production has been halted worldwide I'm not sure what's to be gained from some of this advertising.
In any event, the virtual Doctor Who event explored an upcoming multimedia event for the singular Time Lord from Gallifrey ... and Time Lord Victorious certainly looks interested. Those interested can check out the virtual coverage via the SyFy Wire by following the link right here.
As always, thanks for reading ... and live long and prosper!