Stranger Things Season 1? Very, very, very good.
Stranger Things Season 2? Very good. Not as great as the first, but good.
Stranger Things Season 3? Meh. Honestly, I had all kinds of issues with it, most of which related to what I felt was a messiness to its pacing. And I didn't care for the big mall finish.
Stranger Things Season 4?
Well, it's not concluded yet, silly fool, but I will say -- without question -- that it's the best Nightmare On Elm Street sequel that never involved the great Freddy Krueger to begin with. Yes, it feels derivative -- many watchers and critics have even touched on that association (and there's nothing wrong with it) -- but it's a respectful association that clearly and cleanly ties in with cinema sentiments of the 1980's. So there.
So I can't pronounce any verdict on Season 4 as of yet, but all of us will be able to when starting on July 1st the streaming behemoth Netflix drops the last two installments of this season. I've read that both parts are feature-length outings -- meaning two-hours-plus -- so I guess we have to set aside a good chunk of time to experience what they're promising is an epic conclusion that may or may not spell the doom of our beloved Hawkins, Indiana.
Will there be deaths?
Well ... shucks. There's no way for me to know, peeps, but as one who has watched an awful lot of genre stuff as well as tinkered with writing of my own, it's extremely rare for stakes to be raised this high and yet have everyone survive without a mark ... so I'm thinking that, yeah, someone is going to go down for the count.
Only time will tell.
Trailer is below. You know you want to watch it.
-- EZ