Interesting little side note: I'm reading a book right now that deals peripherally with the founding of the movie industry (circa the 1920's), and one of the interesting observations the author makes is that the film business is one of the only venues wherein the producer puts out an amazing stash of capital to complete a project only to then have it sit "in the can" (as it were) for three, six, or even twelve months (on average) before knowing whether or not the market is going to embrace it and give him a solid return on the investment. Now, I could quibble with the mechanics of that statement, but I'll leave it be for the purposes of bringing it up here: stories don't always connect with audiences the way the storytellers originally intended, and given Science Fiction's track record up 'til the days of the first Star Wars film I suppose I can understand how so many insiders passed on the flick.
Of course, knowing what we know now about the true legs of one of filmdom's most beloved franchises it's pretty easy to suspect all of those studio suits would want a do-over, if they could get one, no?
As always, thanks for reading ... and live long and prosper!