Seriously, there's absolutely no way you can know that Marvel Studios' Eternals (2021) is the "best Marvel film ever" as -- to my knowledge -- no one has seen it. All that's happened is the first of its trailers has dropped. While it may offer up some impressive visuals, there's absolutely nothing in there about its s-t-o-r-y.
In fact, isn't Eternals a bit obscure of an entity even within the wider Marvel mythology? It isn't like kids have been scrambling for years for a big screen take on the Eternals. It's only a few decades old as it stands, so I'm thinking the audience size for this one might be a bit limited compared to some of the other heroes that have come before.
Yes, I understand that it's Marvel, and we've been bred to believe that All Things Marvel are golden. And this one definitely looks quite golden in style. But let's hold off calling it the "best Marvel ever" until we actually see the film, eh? Can we agree to do that?
In any event, trailer is below. Enjoy.
-- EZ