Honestly, there's a fair number of inquiries to my site that just doesn't quite hit the genre nail that I keep in supply. Monthly I have to do like many in this humble business do and clean up the spam (you'd be surprised the number of companies that try to park adverts within my various pages). Occasionally I'm contacting by people who seek to promote a product or two in this space, but I've honestly tried to avoid that stuff; it would require me to set up some kind of fee schedule -- the likes of which I've no way to figure out logistically -- and it would open the door understandably to more of the same. So I toil away -- still in obscurity -- hoping to maintain my focus on the kinds of content I believe you'd like to see.
Every now and then, though, something does come across the transom that does tickle my fancy, and -- lo and behold -- it happened just earlier today. The kind peeps over at HotDog.Com reached out regarding their latest creation: it's a fabulous accounting of Horror movie fascination broken down by state! What with Halloween not all that far around the corner, I thought it would be an interesting feature to share, as we're all in the market for a good scare every now and then.
For those who don't know, I'm in Arizona, and the demographics of our state have decided that our top thriller chiller is ... is ... Night Of The Comet (1984)?!?!
Folks, I'm packing up and moving back to Illinois ...
No, wait ... wait ... wait ...
Illinois' top Horror movie is ... is ... I Walked With A Zombie (1943)?!?!
Nope. Nope. Nope. I'm staying right here.
In any event, I scanned through the entertaining piece and got some chuckles over it -- along with their methodology -- and I thought that this was definitely in our sphere of influence. I'd encourage all of you to do the same, share and share alike, and find out what your neighbors think is scaring you silly. I suspect you'll be as surprised as I was.
Read more at: https://hotdog.com/blog/best-horror-movies/?off
-- EZ