So, yes, I'm totally jazzed about the forthcoming Justice League movie, though I'll admit I'm honestly at a loss as to whether or not it will be a two-parter or a single film. (My understanding is that it was originally planned as two parts, but the lackluster reception of the latest Batman V. Superman: Dawn of Justice forced Warner Bros. to request it all be chucked into a single flick.) Last week, the studio dropped a handful of teaser trailers -- each one featuring the heroes in the separate glory -- and, this past Saturday, the released the full "official trailer" in its splendor.
My only quibble (isn't there always one?) is the Cyborg. I've seen vastly worse CGI creations, and -- while this one didn't quite win me over -- this one might be hard to swallow. It's happened before that the pre-release footage of effects shots sets the bar low, and maybe that's the case here. I guess we'll have to wait for the film to know for certain.
For those who missed it elsewhere, here's the preview: