Well, listen up, kiddies.
First, it's because I can. It's my site. You just read here. So I'll shuck what I wanna shuck.
Second, well that's because -- as I've always said -- I tend to enjoy features made outside of the studio system more than most. They're a bit fresher, and they're definitely a bit rawer than most; as a consequence, I can usually find more to love in them than I do the big studio stuff. Besides, you folks read what titles I write about here, and it's pretty clear that I enjoy more out-of-the-mainstream than do most scribblers.
In any event, I stumbled across a little press blurb this morning about a forthcoming creature feature that I thought worth the share. It's for a little something something titled Reed's Point which -- at first blush -- looks to pull the wool off the homegrown legend of the Jersey Devil. X-Files fans might recall that show also had an episode -- early on, I believe -- that dealt with it, though I don't recall it being one of the program's finest hours.
Here's the film's plot summary as provided by IMDB.com:
"A vehicle crash in the Pine Barrens leads to a missing teen which raises conspiracy theories about the infamous Jersey Devil legend. On the anniversary of the crash, Sarah Franklin, convinced her cousin Kelsey is alive, goes out to the crash site with Alex, Kelsey's boyfriend, to investigate. Things go downhill quickly as Sarah and Alex uncover what really lurks in the woods."
While that has all the hallmarks of being crafted by a publicity suit, it does underscore the fundamentals of what audiences can expect: this is a monster movie ... and longtime readers of this space should know of my fondness for them.
Want a bit more? Well, I found the trailer up on the reliable YouTube.com, so take a gander at that.
As always, thanks for reading ... and live long and prosper!
-- EZ