How's the day shaping up for you thus far?
Yes, yes, and yes: I, of course, realize that it's very early, and I don't want to jinx the day, as they say. I'm simply asking how it's going thus far with the sincere hopes that you'll find it going swimmingly. I truly wish for nothing best from my readers here at SciFiHistory.Net, and that's why I do what I do each and every day, hoping that some little nugget in this space brings you even the smallest bit of joy. It's these shared remembrances that unite fandom around the world, and I'm glad you're chosen to be as much a part of it as I have ... well, frankly, I am doing a bit more than you folks are -- what with building and maintaining this whole space, you know -- but that's by choice. I'll never hold that against you.
In a quick review of the day this morning, I realized that I'd watched and reviewed 1936's Things To Come -- the theatrical adaptation of the H.G. Wells novel -- so I went searching and found it in my personal archives. I did a quick once-over on the piece, cleaned it up a bit, and now it's available for a quick read on the site. It's one of those pieces that I had penned for my gig as an Top 1,000 Reviewer (but Bezos and his ilk removed once they changed their rules), and I wanted to preserve it for the ages in my own space. It's up, and you can find it with a look on the MainPage. Check it out, if you're so inclined.
Because I do like to 'mix things up a bit' from time-to-time, I think that's where I'll leave you this morning. I don't feel it's always necessary to highlight something extra in this daily blurb: in all honesty, some days do blend together just a bit, and I'm never convinced that what I see as a highlight is something that you'd all agree with. In those cases, I'll simply show up, present the link, and leave you to the business of performing your own deep dive into the cornucopia of delight that is the Daily Citation Page for February 21.
So without further ado, here's the link ...
As always, thank you for reading ... thank you for sharing ... thank you for being a fan ... and live long and prosper!
-- EZ