Sometime in the last year or two or three, they started this monthly subscription service aimed at die-hard Trek enthusiasts. For a monthly fee, you can receive these terrific replicas of various ships featured across all incarnations of the popular SciFi program and movies. (Being perfectly honest, I never subscribed, but that's only because I thought it was far too costly and I'd really only be looking for specific ships.) And each ship comes with an associated magazine that serves kinda/sorta as a 'user's guide' to that vessel, highlighting its various strengths, weaknesses, and technical specifications.
The two featured in the above photo are available this month, and -- if you're interested in ordering them separately from the subscriber service via Things From Another Planet -- I'll post their links (and one more) below, along with the general link for Eaglemoss's website.
Dare I say ... ENGAGE!
Star Trek Starships: The Valdore
Star Trek Starships: Cardassian Hideki Class
Star Trek Starships: USS Vengeance
Eaglemoss Publishing