If you can't go big, then go small: on this day in 1968, Irwin Allen shrunk his merry band of heroes -- or did he? -- down to pint-sized for two seasons of camera trickery that was Land Of The Giants. Truth be told, Allen's program was fairly successful throughout both of its seasons on television, but in the end the weekly price tag helped network executives to eventually pull-the-plug on the serialized SciFi/Drama. Here's the premise as provided by IMDB.com:
"The Spindrift, a sub-oribital spaceship on a flight from Los Angeles to London, became lost when it passed through a strange cloud in the ship's orbit around Earth. It landed on an alternate Earth-type planet, where the inhabitants were roughly twelve times the size of the Spindrift's passengers. Our heroes include the ship's captain (Steve Burton), co-pilot (Dan) and stewardess (Betty); an arrogant engineer (Mark); a sexy jet-setter (Valerie); a young boy (Barry) and his dog Chipper; and a mysterious rogue known as Commander Fitzhugh. Together they battle the planet's totalitarian government, try to avoid capture, and attempt to repair the Spindrift so they can get back home."
For the record:
"The Spindrift, a sub-oribital spaceship on a flight from Los Angeles to London, became lost when it passed through a strange cloud in the ship's orbit around Earth. It landed on an alternate Earth-type planet, where the inhabitants were roughly twelve times the size of the Spindrift's passengers. Our heroes include the ship's captain (Steve Burton), co-pilot (Dan) and stewardess (Betty); an arrogant engineer (Mark); a sexy jet-setter (Valerie); a young boy (Barry) and his dog Chipper; and a mysterious rogue known as Commander Fitzhugh. Together they battle the planet's totalitarian government, try to avoid capture, and attempt to repair the Spindrift so they can get back home."
For the record:
- At the 1969 Primetime Emmy Awards, Land Of The Giants earned a nomination in the category of 'Outstanding Achievement In Cinematography.'
- At the 1970 Primetime Emmy Awards, Land Of The Giants earned a nomination in the category of 'Outstanding Achievement In Film Sound Editing.'
- At the 2008 Saturn Awards, Land Of The Giants enjoyed a nomination in the category of 'Best Retro Television Release On DVD.'
Ahem. Harlan Ellison. Ahem. For those who don't know it, Harlan Ellison (ahem) kinda/sorta has a love/hate relationship with practically anything he has written that has gone through any type of television or big screen adaptation. (Ahem.) And yes this even goes for things he's personally involved with at some level. Now, I won't belabor the point, but I will say that on this day back in 1973 a little something something he was attached to called The Starlost enjoyed its small screen premiere in Canada. It wasn't awful, but it wasn't all that endearing, either, which is probably why he wanted his name pulled from it and a pseudonym attached. Here's the premise behind the entire (ahem) saga as provided by IMDB.com:
"A group of humans must explore a vast starship in order to find the controls to save it from destruction."
ExtraExtra Alert:
At the 1974 Writers Guild Of America ceremony, Harlan Ellison was presented with the WGA Award in 'Episodic Drama' for his work on the episode, "Voyage Of Discovery."
"A group of humans must explore a vast starship in order to find the controls to save it from destruction."
ExtraExtra Alert:
At the 1974 Writers Guild Of America ceremony, Harlan Ellison was presented with the WGA Award in 'Episodic Drama' for his work on the episode, "Voyage Of Discovery."
The graveyard for short-lived television series adaptations of SciFi-themed motion pictures is remarkably full, with some commodities as Planet Of The Apes, Logan's Run, and even Beyond Westworld lying in their burial plots far across the green, green grass from Highlander, Stargate, and Buffy The Vampire Slayer. Today's exhibit: Timecop lasted for all of nine episodes, and you'd think something perhaps mildly akin to the BBC's Doctor Who and NBC's popular Quantum Leap would've found stronger legs to stand on for audiences. Still, kudos for those who tuned in on this day back in 1997 when it all came to life. Here's the series' premise as listed by the reliable IMDB.com:
"Jack Logan is a time traveler from 2007, who hunts down rogue travelers and brings them to justice before they can alter the past."
"Jack Logan is a time traveler from 2007, who hunts down rogue travelers and brings them to justice before they can alter the past."
For its day in the sun, I don't think there was a better serialized television drama than Lost. (It premiered on this day back in 2004.) Whether you loved it, hated it, hated to love it, or loved to hate it, Lost epitomized the long-form-storytelling format for the Boob Tube, tempting audiences to actually think beyond the 60-minute format in more ways than anyone quite possibly ever expected. I won't dwell on endings -- mostly because Lost kinda/sorta missed the boat (yes, in my estimation) -- but when this one was firing on all cylinders it was some a fabulous purring engine. Part Science Fiction and part Fantasy, it was highly stylized ... and we're likely never going to see anything like it again any time soon. Here's the premise as provided by IMDB.com:
"The past, present, and future lives of surviving Oceanic Flight 815 passengers are dramatically intertwined as a fight for survival ensues in a quest for answers after crashlanding on a mysterious island. Each discovery prompts yet more secrets, as the hastily-formed colony search for a way off the island, or is this their home?"
ExtraExtra Alert:
Without a doubt, Lost was one of television's most decorated dramas ever; and -- in all honesty -- I couldn't even begin to cite the well over one hundred different awards citation the show collected across its run on television. I will try, however, to name a few.
"The past, present, and future lives of surviving Oceanic Flight 815 passengers are dramatically intertwined as a fight for survival ensues in a quest for answers after crashlanding on a mysterious island. Each discovery prompts yet more secrets, as the hastily-formed colony search for a way off the island, or is this their home?"
ExtraExtra Alert:
Without a doubt, Lost was one of television's most decorated dramas ever; and -- in all honesty -- I couldn't even begin to cite the well over one hundred different awards citation the show collected across its run on television. I will try, however, to name a few.
- At the 2005 Saturn Awards, actor Terry O'Quinn took home top honors in the category of 'Best Supporting Actor On Television' and the show itself won the much coveted 'Best Network Television Series.'
- At the 2006 Saturn Awards, actor Matthew Fox took home the 'Best Actor On Television' Award and the show itself again won the much coveted 'Best Network Television Series.'
- At the 2008 Saturn Awards, actress Elizabeth Mitchell took home top honors in the category of 'Best Supporting Actress On Television;' actor Michael Emerson won the 'Best Supporting Actor On Television' Award; Matthew Fox won again in the category of 'Best Actor On Television;' and the show itself once again won the 'Best Network Television Series' Award.
- At the 2009 Saturn Awards, Lost again earned the title of 'Best Network Television Series.'
- At the 2010 Saturn Awards, actor Josh Holloway won the honor of being called the 'Best Actor On Television,' and the show once more took home top honors in 'Best Network Television Series.'
Well, well, well. It isn't every day that Science Fiction gets an acting veteran the level of screen curmudgeon John Houseman to walk our hallowed halls, so when we do we have to give out a shout. The man only dabbled in our various universes, appearing as Dr. Franklin in both The Six Million Dollar Man and The Bionic Woman in the 1970's, as well as posting a role in 1975's version of Rollerball. Though he's no longer with us, Houseman was born on this day in 1902.
[Source: IMDB.com]
[Source: IMDB.com]
Martha Scott (above left) left behind a legacy of almost one hundred different screen credits. Clearly, Science Fiction wasn't her first choice for projects, but she did put in time aboard The Six Million Dollar Man and The Bionic Woman for good measure. Though she's no longer with us, Scott was born on this day in 1912.
[Source: IMDB.com]
[Source: IMDB.com]
With nearly 150 different screen credits to his name, the late Eugene Roche was definitely a staple in entertainment for a certain generation of viewers. As far as SciFi goes, he enjoyed time aboard Slaughterhouse-Five (1972), Tales of the Unexpected, Airwolf, Roswell (1994), and Star Trek: Voyager. Though he's no longer with us, Roche was born on this day in 1928.
[Source: IMDB.com]
ExtraExtra Alert:
In 2019, I had the good fortune of receiving a complimentary new release of Slaughterhouse-Five (1972) via a distributor in exchange for review coverage on SciFiHistory.Net. Interested readers can find my review right here.
[Source: IMDB.com]
ExtraExtra Alert:
In 2019, I had the good fortune of receiving a complimentary new release of Slaughterhouse-Five (1972) via a distributor in exchange for review coverage on SciFiHistory.Net. Interested readers can find my review right here.
Think what you will, but this ain't no time for monkey business! Asa Maynor played with the apes -- as a professional, it might seem -- with her work aboard Conquest Of The Planet Of The Apes (1972). She also paid a visit to the world of Rod Serling's The Twilight Zone during its run on television. Maynor was born on this day in 1936.
[Source: IMDB.com]
[Source: IMDB.com]
Does Space Fantasy get any bigger than the world of Star Wars? I don't think so, and that's exactly where the late director Richard Marquand got to play late in his life when George Lucas tapped him direct what was the 'swan song' of the franchise (up until Walt Disney revived it with its Sequel Trilogy). Star Wars: Return Of The Jedi was the last big adventure to feature Luke Skywalker, Princess Leia, and Han Solo as central characters, and Marquand brought the Original Trilogy to a respectable close ... even with a few of those pesky Ewoks aboard for the laughs. Though he's no longer with us, Marquand was born on this day in 1937.
[Source: IMDB.com]
For the record:
At the 1984 Saturn Awards, Marquand enjoyed a nomination in the category of 'Best Director' for his work in bringing Return Of The Jedi to the silver screen.
[Source: IMDB.com]
For the record:
At the 1984 Saturn Awards, Marquand enjoyed a nomination in the category of 'Best Director' for his work in bringing Return Of The Jedi to the silver screen.
The great Paul Le Mat enjoyed leading man status aboard Strange Invaders (1983), one of the stranger SciFi/Cult films to come out of the 1980's. Le Mat was born on this day in 1945.
[Source: IMDB.com]
ExtraExtra Alert:
In 2016, I was provided a complimentary new release of Strange Invaders (1983) from a distributor in exchange for review coverage on SciFiHistory.Net. Interested readers can find my review right here.
[Source: IMDB.com]
ExtraExtra Alert:
In 2016, I was provided a complimentary new release of Strange Invaders (1983) from a distributor in exchange for review coverage on SciFiHistory.Net. Interested readers can find my review right here.
Musician and actor Jim Byrnes has had his hand in a few substantial genre projects, including screen time aboard Sliders, Starlight (1996), Highlander, Robocop: Alpha Commando (animated), Highlander: The Raven, Beast Wars: Transformers (animated), War Planets (animated), First Wave, The Outer Limits, The Dead Zone, The Twilight Zone, Alienators (animated), Taken, Stargate: Infinity, Jake 2.0, Andromeda, and Sanctuary. Byrnes was born on this day in 1948.
[Source: IMDB.com]
[Source: IMDB.com]
Laura Hippe enjoyed a handful of small parts on the screens big and small, but fans watching closely might recognize her best from a stop in Logan's Run (1976). Though she's no longer with us, Hippe was born on this day in 1950.
[Source: IMDB.com]
Public Service Announcement:
Sadly, Laura struggled with issues that resulted in her taking her own If you or someone you know is contemplating suicide, please share the number for the National Suicide Prevention Hotline: 1-800-273-8255. It's never too late to save a life.
[Source: IMDB.com]
Public Service Announcement:
Sadly, Laura struggled with issues that resulted in her taking her own If you or someone you know is contemplating suicide, please share the number for the National Suicide Prevention Hotline: 1-800-273-8255. It's never too late to save a life.
If I know my confident male heterosexuals like I think I know my confident male heterosexuals, then this young lad is most likely reviewing his favorite segment of the Kama Sutra with the blonde beauty! And her name would be Evelyne Kraft, star of the curious B-Movie The Mighty Peking Man (1977) from Shaw Brothers. (Yes, those Shaw Brothers.) Though she's no longer with us, Kraft was born on this day in 1951.
[Source: IMDB.com]
[Source: IMDB.com]
Shari Belafonte enjoyed a role as 'Elizabeth Trent' in Thirdspace, one of the Babylon 5 telefilms aired after that program's finale. Belafonte was born on this day in 1954.
[Source: IMDB.com]
[Source: IMDB.com]
The delicious Catherine Oxenberg (above right) tried SciFi camp on for size with a role aboard Sharktopus Vs. Whalewolf (2015). She's also contributed voice work to some various Starship Troopers projects. Oxenberg was born on this day in 1961.
[Source: IMDB.com]
[Source: IMDB.com]
Ruth Jones enjoyed a guest spot aboard the BBC's Doctor Who spin-off Torchwood early during that program's run. Jones was born on this day in 1966.
[Source: IMDB.com]
[Source: IMDB.com]
I'll simply agree with whatever critic wrote that FX Network's The Strain was one of the sillier genre shows to come out in recent times, but the program did have a few interesting characters: in the guise of 'Quinlan,' the talented Rupert Penry-Jones portrayed the not-quite-terrifying vampire slayer to perfection. Penry-Jones was born on this day in 1970.
[Source: IMDB.com]
[Source: IMDB.com]
Oh, we know how you feel, Lawrence Gilliard, Jr.! He braved the zombie apocalypse at the heart of AMC's entertaining juggernaut The Walking Dead for only so long. Gilliard, Jr. was born on this day in 1971.
[Source: IMDB.com]
[Source: IMDB.com]
Athlete turned actor Bob Sapp tried Fantasy on for size with a prominent role aboard Conan The Barbarian (2011). Sapp was born on this day in 1973.
[Source: IMDB.com]
[Source: IMDB.com]
Mireille Enos first came to my attention when she played a very mousy sister wife on HBO's under-appreciated Big Love drama. I was excited to hear she was cast in World War Z, but the movie largely bypassed the sheer greatness of the book, instead choosing to focus on Brad Pitt's 'world savior' character in lieu of so many vastly more interesting ideas. Perhaps she'll get better if she's brought back for the follow-up if it materializes. Enos was born on this day in 1975.
[Source: IMDB.com]
[Source: IMDB.com]
Daniella Alonso had a wonderful guest-starring role aboard Syfy's Stargate: Atlantis. She also turned up in a whole slew of genre projects, including TV's apocalypse drama Revolution. Alonso was born on this day in 1978.
[Source: IMDB.com]
[Source: IMDB.com]
Lovely MyAnna Buring (above center) has the right stuff to face both the end of the world (as she did in 2008's Doomsday) and bloodsucking vampires (as she did in 2009's Vampire Killers). Buring was born on this day in 1979.
[Source: IMDB.com]
[Source: IMDB.com]
What's not to love about the blonde bombshell herself, Ashley Eckstein? During Star Wars: The Clone Wars' (animated) six season run, she brought to life the Jedi Padawan, Ahsoka Tano! Plus, she's been so inspired by so many franchises of science fiction, she's went and launched a line of exclusive sci-fi themed clothing and jewelry for the ladies. Check out HerUniverse.com, if you're so inclined. Eckstein was born on this day in 1981.
[Source: IMDB.com]
[Source: IMDB.com]
Oh, tell me you've heard of Rose, haven't you? Rose? Rose Tyler? The Doctor's favorite companion? Perhaps, even, the only one he's truly loved? The lovely Billie Piper brought Rose to life throughout several seasons of Doctor Who. While I'd have to say she isn't exactly my favorite, I certainly thought the writers gave her ample things to do in winning over fans as well as the heart -- erm, hearts, that is -- of everyone's favorite time traveller. Piper was born on this day in 1982.
[Source: IMDB.com]
For the record:
[Source: IMDB.com]
For the record:
- At the 2006 BAFTA Awards (Wales), Piper earned a nomination in the category of 'Best Actress' for her work aboard Doctor Who.
- At the 2007 BAFTA Awards (Wales), Piper earned her second nomination in the category of 'Best Actress' for her work aboard Doctor Who.
- At the 2015 Fangoria Chainsaw Awards, Piper earned a nomination in the category of 'Best TV Supporting Actress' for her work aboard Showtime's Penny Dreadful.
- At the 2016 Fangoria Chainsaw Awards, Piper earned her second nomination in the category of 'Best TV Supporting Actress' for her work aboard Penny Dreadful.
Laura Vandervoort first stole hearts as Kara (aka Supergirl) for several seasons on the WB's pretty solid Smallville, but then she played a 'Visitor' from afar of another variety ... erm ... species? ... when she joined the short-lived reboot of V. More recently, she bit into fandom again by headlining her own Horror/Fantasy program Bitten where she plays a female werewolf. Anyone want to volunteer to be her next victim? The line starts with me, my friends! Plus, she also turned up in a few hours of CBS's Supergirl as the villainous (and blue!) Indigo! This lovely SciFi Veteran was born on this day in 1984.
[Source: IMDB.com]
[Source: IMDB.com]
Kid you not: my favorite acting discovery in the last few years was stumbling across the work of the absolutely unbelievably gifted Tatiana Maslany. Headlining the BBC's pretty admirable SciFi drama Orphan Black, the actress has had to bring to life a virtual calvary of varying female clones ... all with her lovely, lovely face. If she isn't on your radar yet, then get cranking, people! She deserves your attention. Maslany was born (or was she cloned?) on this day back in 1985.
[Source: IMDB.com]
For the record:
[Source: IMDB.com]
For the record:
- At the 2015 Primetime Emmy Awards, Maslany earned a nomination in the category of 'Outstanding Lead Actress In A Drama Series' for her work aboard Orphan Black.
- At the 2016 Primetime Emmy Awards, Maslany took home top honors in the category of 'Outstanding Lead Actress In A Drama Series' for her work aboard Orphan Black.
- At the 2018 Primetime Emmy Awards, Maslany enjoyed another nomination in the category of 'Outstanding Lead Actress In A Drama Series' for her work in Orphan Black.
- At the 2024 Saturn Awards, Maslany earned a nomination in the category of 'Best Actress In A Television Series' for her work aboard She-Hulk: Attorney At Law.
Young Tom Felton helped rile up the apes in Rise Of The Planet Of The Apes, so much so he actually served as a catalyst to set things into motion for mankind's inevitably demise. Nice, dude. Real nice. Felton was born on this day in 1987.
[Source: IMDB.com]
[Source: IMDB.com]
On this day in 1960 (in Algeria), Dinosaurus roared ... well, roared as much as it could on the silver screen. Directed by Irvin S. Yeaworth Jr. from a script by the team of Jack H. Harris, Dan E. Weisburd, and Jean Yeaworth, the Fantasy film starred such luminaries as Ward Ramsey, Kristina Hanson, and Paul Lukather. Here's the plot summary as provided by IMDB.com:
"After undersea explosions near a Caribbean island, prehistoric creatures are unleashed on the unsuspecting population. Freed from his watery tomb, as well, is a very friendly Neanderthal man who proceeds to befriend a local orphan boy. The boy, Neanderthal and irritated dinosaur make for an interesting dramatic climax."
"After undersea explosions near a Caribbean island, prehistoric creatures are unleashed on the unsuspecting population. Freed from his watery tomb, as well, is a very friendly Neanderthal man who proceeds to befriend a local orphan boy. The boy, Neanderthal and irritated dinosaur make for an interesting dramatic climax."
A star is born! On this day in 1965, it was mano a mano when Frankenstein Meets The Space Monster enjoyed its big screen debut. (Or is that monster a monster?) Directed by Robert Gaffney, the SciFi/Horror starred Marilyn Hanold and James Karen, and here's the plot summary as provided by IMDB.com:
"A Martian princess and a doctor replace the women on Mars, destroyed by atomic war, by raiding Puerto Rico while a shot down android terrorizes all."
"A Martian princess and a doctor replace the women on Mars, destroyed by atomic war, by raiding Puerto Rico while a shot down android terrorizes all."
A star is born! On this day in 1975 (in Spain), S.O.S. Invasion enjoyed its first theatrical screening ever. Directed by Silvio F. Balbuena from a script by José Luis Navarro, the SciFi film starred Jack Taylor, Mara Cruz, and Diana Sorel. According to our friends at IMDB.com, here's the plot summary:
"A bunch of robots from outer space come to earth, landing on the Spanish Mediterranean coast. They come from the galaxy Epsilon Eridani so, obviously, they use dead human corpses to go unnoticed on earth."
For the record:
Based on the information available to me at present, I'm quite certain this is not the film's original theatrical debut. IMDB.com reports that it was originally produced in 1969, but this citation is their first published screening. Until I can verify other earlier screenings, this one will service as its debut in the meantime.
"A bunch of robots from outer space come to earth, landing on the Spanish Mediterranean coast. They come from the galaxy Epsilon Eridani so, obviously, they use dead human corpses to go unnoticed on earth."
For the record:
Based on the information available to me at present, I'm quite certain this is not the film's original theatrical debut. IMDB.com reports that it was originally produced in 1969, but this citation is their first published screening. Until I can verify other earlier screenings, this one will service as its debut in the meantime.
On this day in 1983 (in Belgium), Escape From New York enjoyed a round of screenings in theaters. Written (in part) and directed by John Carpenter, the SciFi/Thriller starred Kurt Russell, Adrienne Barbeau, and Ernest Borgnine. According to our friends at IMDB.com, here's the plot summary:
"In the future, crime is out of control and New York City's Manhattan is a maximum security prison. Grabbing a bargaining chip right out of the air, convicts bring down the President's plane in bad old Gotham. Gruff Snake Plissken, a one-eyed lone warrior new to prison life, is coerced into bringing the President, and his cargo, out of this land of undesirables."
For the record:
At the 1982 Saturn Awards sponsored by the Academy Of Science Fiction, Fantasy, And Horror Films, Escape From New York enjoyed four nominations (but no wins) in the categories of 'Best Make-up,' 'Best Costumes,' 'Best Director,' and 'Best Science Fiction Film.'
"In the future, crime is out of control and New York City's Manhattan is a maximum security prison. Grabbing a bargaining chip right out of the air, convicts bring down the President's plane in bad old Gotham. Gruff Snake Plissken, a one-eyed lone warrior new to prison life, is coerced into bringing the President, and his cargo, out of this land of undesirables."
For the record:
At the 1982 Saturn Awards sponsored by the Academy Of Science Fiction, Fantasy, And Horror Films, Escape From New York enjoyed four nominations (but no wins) in the categories of 'Best Make-up,' 'Best Costumes,' 'Best Director,' and 'Best Science Fiction Film.'
On this day in 1983 (in Australia), Hercules brought his herculean efforts to the silver screen. Written and directed by Luigi Cozzi, the Fantasy feature starred Lou Ferrigno, Sybil Danning, and Brad Harris. According to our friends at IMDB.com, here's the plot summary:
"The story of the Greek mythological figure, updated in this 80's version."
For the record:
Well, well, well ... perhaps Mr. Ferrigno should've stayed content playing none other than the TV incarnation of The Incredible Hulk as opposed to signing aboard Cozzi's adaptation of one of the seminal strongmen from literature. The 1984 Razzie Awards christened him with the winning title of 'Worst New Star' for the effort. His co-star Danning didn't fare much better, taking home their coveted 'Worst Supporting Actress' (not for this film, however) in the same ceremony. Alas, the entire project had to settle for nominations alone in the categories of 'Worst Screenplay,' 'Worst Actor,' and 'Worst Picture.'
"The story of the Greek mythological figure, updated in this 80's version."
For the record:
Well, well, well ... perhaps Mr. Ferrigno should've stayed content playing none other than the TV incarnation of The Incredible Hulk as opposed to signing aboard Cozzi's adaptation of one of the seminal strongmen from literature. The 1984 Razzie Awards christened him with the winning title of 'Worst New Star' for the effort. His co-star Danning didn't fare much better, taking home their coveted 'Worst Supporting Actress' (not for this film, however) in the same ceremony. Alas, the entire project had to settle for nominations alone in the categories of 'Worst Screenplay,' 'Worst Actor,' and 'Worst Picture.'
On this day in 1983 (in the Netherlands), Spacehunter: Adventures In The Forbidden Zone blasted off for his adventures in the Forbidden Zone! Directed by Lamont Johnson, the SciFi/Fantasy starred Peter Strauss, Michael Ironside, and Ernie Hudson. According to our friends at IMDB.com, here's the plot summary:
"On a distant planet inhabited by mutants, two bounty-hunters race to rescue three Earth female captives from the clutches of an evil mutant warlord."
"On a distant planet inhabited by mutants, two bounty-hunters race to rescue three Earth female captives from the clutches of an evil mutant warlord."
On this day in 1988 (in Hungary), TRON took audiences for a cinematic whirl into the digital age. Written (in part) and directed by Steven Lisberger, the SciFi/Fantasy starred Jeff Bridges, Bruce Boxleitner, and Cindy Morgan. According to our friends at IMDB.com, here's the plot summary:
"Hacker/arcade owner Kevin Flynn is digitally broken down into a data stream by a villainous software pirate known as Master Control and reconstituted into the internal, 3-D graphical world of computers. It is there, in the ultimate blazingly colorful, geometrically intense landscapes of cyberspace, that Flynn joins forces with Tron to outmaneuver the Master Control Program that holds them captive in the equivalent of a gigantic, infinitely challenging computer game."
For the record:
As well as founding an all-new Science Fiction franchise, TRON drew the attention of critics and audiences. At the 1983 Academy Awards, the feature enjoyed two nominations in the categories of 'Best Sound' and 'Best Costume Design.' At the 1983 Saturn Awards (sponsored by the Academy Of Science Fiction, Fantasy, And Horror Films), TRON took home top honors in the category of 'Best Costumes' but had to settle for nominations alone in the categories of 'Best Animated Film' and 'Best Science Fiction Film.'
"Hacker/arcade owner Kevin Flynn is digitally broken down into a data stream by a villainous software pirate known as Master Control and reconstituted into the internal, 3-D graphical world of computers. It is there, in the ultimate blazingly colorful, geometrically intense landscapes of cyberspace, that Flynn joins forces with Tron to outmaneuver the Master Control Program that holds them captive in the equivalent of a gigantic, infinitely challenging computer game."
For the record:
As well as founding an all-new Science Fiction franchise, TRON drew the attention of critics and audiences. At the 1983 Academy Awards, the feature enjoyed two nominations in the categories of 'Best Sound' and 'Best Costume Design.' At the 1983 Saturn Awards (sponsored by the Academy Of Science Fiction, Fantasy, And Horror Films), TRON took home top honors in the category of 'Best Costumes' but had to settle for nominations alone in the categories of 'Best Animated Film' and 'Best Science Fiction Film.'
On this day in 1989 (in Italy), Leviathan surfaced from the murky depths. Directed by George P. Cosmatos from a story by David Webb Peoples and Jeb Stuart, the SciFi/Fantasy starred Peter Weller, Richard Crenna, and Amanda Pays. Here's the plot summary, compliments of IMDB.com (with a few edits by me for clarity):
"Underwater deep-sea miners encounter a Soviet wreck and bring back a dangerous cargo to their base on the ocean floor with horrifying results. In a story owing a lot to Alien and The Thing, the crew of the mining base must fight to survive against a genetic mutation that hunts them down one by one."
For the record:
To the film's credit, Leviathan enjoyed a wee bit of praise from the film festival circuit.
"Underwater deep-sea miners encounter a Soviet wreck and bring back a dangerous cargo to their base on the ocean floor with horrifying results. In a story owing a lot to Alien and The Thing, the crew of the mining base must fight to survive against a genetic mutation that hunts them down one by one."
For the record:
To the film's credit, Leviathan enjoyed a wee bit of praise from the film festival circuit.
On this day in 1990 (in Israel), RoboCop 2 blazed back onto active (cinematic) duty for an all-new tour of duty. Directed by Irvin Kershner, the film starred Peter Weller, Nancy Allen, and Belinda Bauer. Here's the plot summary as provided by IMDB.com:
"After a successful deployment of the Robocop Law Enforcement unit, OCP sees its goal of urban pacification come closer and closer, but as this develops, a new narcotic known as "Nuke" invades the streets led by God-delirious leader Cane. As this menace grows, it may prove to be too much for Murphy to handle. OCP tries to replicate the success of the first unit, but ends up with failed prototypes with suicidal issues... until Dr. Faxx, a scientist straying away from OCP's path, uses Cane as the new subject for the Robocop 2 project, a living God."
For the record:
Despite an underwhelming story, RoboCop 2 did score three impressive nominations from the 1991 Saturn Awards: Best Science Fiction Film, Best Performance By A Younger Actor, and Best Special Effects. It lost in all three categories.
"After a successful deployment of the Robocop Law Enforcement unit, OCP sees its goal of urban pacification come closer and closer, but as this develops, a new narcotic known as "Nuke" invades the streets led by God-delirious leader Cane. As this menace grows, it may prove to be too much for Murphy to handle. OCP tries to replicate the success of the first unit, but ends up with failed prototypes with suicidal issues... until Dr. Faxx, a scientist straying away from OCP's path, uses Cane as the new subject for the Robocop 2 project, a living God."
For the record:
Despite an underwhelming story, RoboCop 2 did score three impressive nominations from the 1991 Saturn Awards: Best Science Fiction Film, Best Performance By A Younger Actor, and Best Special Effects. It lost in all three categories.
On this day in 1995 (in Italy), Judge Dredd brought his particular brand of justice to the silver screen. Directed by Danny Cannon, the SciFi/Fantasy starred Sylvester Stallone, Armand Assante, Diane Lane, and Rob Schneider. Here's the plot summary as provided by IMDB.com:
"In the year 2139, the Earth has changed into a virtually uninhabitable place called the Cursed Earth. All of the Earth's population have crowded into the cities across the planet, now known as Mega-Cities. The crimes in these Mega-Cities became so violent and so powerful, that the regular justice system was powerless to contain, then it collapsed completely. However, a new justice system came from the ashes, there were three justice systems in one (police, jury and executioner), they were called Judges. In Mega-City One (formerly, New York City), there was a Judge, named Joseph Dredd, who was the toughest and most stringent Judge in history. One day, he was charged with murder, and was tried and sentenced to life in prison because of it."
For the record:
Erm ... I guess the best I can say -- if I'm being kind -- is that this incarnation of Judge Dredd just wasn't meant to be. Stallone is a marquee actor, and I have to wonder if the script wasn't crafted to keep his face out from under Dredd's signature helmet, but it is what it is. Still, the film was technically proficient and definitely looked good. It garnered Saturn Award nominations for 'Best Science Fiction Film,' 'Best Costumes,' 'Best Make-up,' and 'Best Special Effects,' yet lost in all categories. Stallone and Schneider did have solid chemistry in this buddy picture, so I guess we have to be thankful for small favors.
"In the year 2139, the Earth has changed into a virtually uninhabitable place called the Cursed Earth. All of the Earth's population have crowded into the cities across the planet, now known as Mega-Cities. The crimes in these Mega-Cities became so violent and so powerful, that the regular justice system was powerless to contain, then it collapsed completely. However, a new justice system came from the ashes, there were three justice systems in one (police, jury and executioner), they were called Judges. In Mega-City One (formerly, New York City), there was a Judge, named Joseph Dredd, who was the toughest and most stringent Judge in history. One day, he was charged with murder, and was tried and sentenced to life in prison because of it."
For the record:
Erm ... I guess the best I can say -- if I'm being kind -- is that this incarnation of Judge Dredd just wasn't meant to be. Stallone is a marquee actor, and I have to wonder if the script wasn't crafted to keep his face out from under Dredd's signature helmet, but it is what it is. Still, the film was technically proficient and definitely looked good. It garnered Saturn Award nominations for 'Best Science Fiction Film,' 'Best Costumes,' 'Best Make-up,' and 'Best Special Effects,' yet lost in all categories. Stallone and Schneider did have solid chemistry in this buddy picture, so I guess we have to be thankful for small favors.
Saddle up, partner! On this day in 1995, the SciFi/Horror hybrid better known as Puppet Master 5 toyed with our collective imagination. The feature starred Gordon Currie and Chandra West, and here's the plot summary from IMDB.com:
"The puppets battle their most powerful enemy yet as they protect their new master from the demon God that created the Secret of Life."
"The puppets battle their most powerful enemy yet as they protect their new master from the demon God that created the Secret of Life."
On this day in 1998 (in the Netherlands), Dark City enjoyed its debut on home video. Written (in part) and directed for the screen by Alex Proyas, the SciFi/Fantasy starred Rufus Sewell, Kiefer Sutherland, and Jennifer Connelly. According to our friends at IMDB.com, here's the plot summary:
"A man struggles with memories of his past, which include a wife he cannot remember and a nightmarish world no one else ever seems to wake up from."
For the record:
Without a doubt, Dark City was a bit of a sensation for the 1999 Saturn Awards, garnering an incredible six nominations ... and yet the only trophy it took home that night was, perhaps, still the most important as it won the coveted 'Best Science Fiction Film.'
"A man struggles with memories of his past, which include a wife he cannot remember and a nightmarish world no one else ever seems to wake up from."
For the record:
Without a doubt, Dark City was a bit of a sensation for the 1999 Saturn Awards, garnering an incredible six nominations ... and yet the only trophy it took home that night was, perhaps, still the most important as it won the coveted 'Best Science Fiction Film.'
On this day in 2000 (in Greece), Pitch Black took audiences on a dark journey across a distant world. Written (in part) and directed by David Twohy, the SciFi/Thriller starred Radha Mitchell, Cole Hauser, and Vin Diesel. According to our frirends at IMDB.com, here's the plot summary:
"A commercial transport ship and its crew are marooned on a planet full of bloodthirsty creatures that only come out to feast at night. But then, they learn that a month-long eclipse is about to occur."
For the record:
Besides birthing another franchise for Science Fiction and Fantasy, Pitch Black drew the attention of those organizations that award cinematic excellence.
"A commercial transport ship and its crew are marooned on a planet full of bloodthirsty creatures that only come out to feast at night. But then, they learn that a month-long eclipse is about to occur."
For the record:
Besides birthing another franchise for Science Fiction and Fantasy, Pitch Black drew the attention of those organizations that award cinematic excellence.
- In 2000, the screenwriter team of David Twohy, Ken Wheat, and Jim Wheat were blessed with the nomination for the Bram Stoker Award.
- Also, the film was nominated for the 2000 Saturn Award for 'Best Science Fiction Film.'
- In 2001, the International Horror Guild nominated it for the year's 'Best Movie.'
- For 2001's Fangoria Chainsaw Awards, Pitch Black enjoyed nominations (but no wins) for 'Best Makeup/Creature FX,' 'Best Screenplay,' 'Best Actress,' 'Best Actor,' and 'Best Wide-Release Film.'
On this day in 2002 (in Canada), the 1975-produced Rollerball played for audiences in attendance of the Cinefest Sudbury International Film Festival. Directed by Norman Jewison from a script by William Harrison, the SciFi/Thriller starred James Caan, John Houseman, and Maud Adams. Here's the plot summary as provided by our friends at IMDB.com:
"In a corporate-controlled future, an ultra-violent sport known as Rollerball represents the world, and one of its powerful athletes is out to defy those who want him out of the game."
For the record:
Rollerball is one of those Science Fiction films, in my humble opinion, that probably means more for its time and place in history than it does decades later. This is not to say that it hasn't aged well but rather its themes and underlying social commentary has been afforded deeper and perhaps more relevant exposure in SciFi films since its day. In any event, Rollerball won the Saturn Award for Best Science Fiction Film for the organization's 1974/1975 ceremony, no small feat indeed.
"In a corporate-controlled future, an ultra-violent sport known as Rollerball represents the world, and one of its powerful athletes is out to defy those who want him out of the game."
For the record:
Rollerball is one of those Science Fiction films, in my humble opinion, that probably means more for its time and place in history than it does decades later. This is not to say that it hasn't aged well but rather its themes and underlying social commentary has been afforded deeper and perhaps more relevant exposure in SciFi films since its day. In any event, Rollerball won the Saturn Award for Best Science Fiction Film for the organization's 1974/1975 ceremony, no small feat indeed.
On this day in 2002 (in Canada), 1979's Star Trek: The Motion Picture played for audiences in attendance of the Cinefest Sudbury International Film Festival. According to our friends at IMDB.com, here's the plot summary:
"When an alien spacecraft of enormous power is spotted approaching Earth, Admiral James T. Kirk resumes command of the overhauled USS Enterprise in order to intercept it."
"When an alien spacecraft of enormous power is spotted approaching Earth, Admiral James T. Kirk resumes command of the overhauled USS Enterprise in order to intercept it."
A star is born! On this day in 2008 (in the U.S.), Pulse 2: Afterlife enjoyed its theatrical debut for audiences in attendance of Austin Fantastic Fest. Written and directed by Joel Soisson, the SciFi/Horror starred Todd Giebenhain, Diane Ayala Goldner, and Rachel Robinson. According to our friends at IMDB.com, here's the plot summary:
"After ghosts invade the human world through the Internet, a father must protect his daughter from the psychotic spirit of his ex-wife."
"After ghosts invade the human world through the Internet, a father must protect his daughter from the psychotic spirit of his ex-wife."
On this day in 2009 (in Greece), audiences of the Athens Film Festival were treated to a theatrical screening of the 1902-produced A Trip To The Moon. Inspired by the work of Jules Verne, the film was directed by Georges Méliès, and it starred Victor André, Bleuette Bernon, and Jehanne d'Alcy. According to our friends at IMDB.com, here's the plot summary:
"An association of astronomers has convened to listen to the plan of Professor Barbenfouillis, their president, to fly to the moon. With the one dissenting voice quashed by Barbenfouillis and the other members, the plan is approved with Barbenfouillis choosing five others to accompany him. Most of the preparation for the trip is in building the vessel and launching mechanism, which resemble a large bullet and a large gun respectively. Hitting the moon in the eye, the six land safely at their destination. They find that much about the moon is wonderful and fantastical, but also that much is not what they would have liked to encounter as it is life threatening. They have to find a way to get out of their alien predicament to get back home safely."
"An association of astronomers has convened to listen to the plan of Professor Barbenfouillis, their president, to fly to the moon. With the one dissenting voice quashed by Barbenfouillis and the other members, the plan is approved with Barbenfouillis choosing five others to accompany him. Most of the preparation for the trip is in building the vessel and launching mechanism, which resemble a large bullet and a large gun respectively. Hitting the moon in the eye, the six land safely at their destination. They find that much about the moon is wonderful and fantastical, but also that much is not what they would have liked to encounter as it is life threatening. They have to find a way to get out of their alien predicament to get back home safely."
On this day in 2009 (in the Netherlands), Lost City Raiders enjoyed its launch on home video. Written (in part) and directed by Jean de Segonzac, the SciFi/Thriller starred James Brolin, Ian Somerhalder, and Bettina Zimmermann. According to our friends at IMDB.com, here's the plot summary:
"The year is 2048, and global warming has flooded much of Earth's land areas. A father and his two sons try to salvage treasures from sunken buildings when they are given an important assignment by the New Vatican."
"The year is 2048, and global warming has flooded much of Earth's land areas. A father and his two sons try to salvage treasures from sunken buildings when they are given an important assignment by the New Vatican."
A star is born! On this day in 2011 (in the U.S. via the Internet), Alien Zombie Invasion first wreaked havoc upon mankind. Written and directed by Joey Evans, the SciFi/Comedy starred Larry Jack Dotson, Renee Wiggins, and Christopher Cassarino. According to our friends at IMDB.com, here's the plot summary:
"A small town in Texas battles an army of the undead that are controlled by aliens from outer space."
"A small town in Texas battles an army of the undead that are controlled by aliens from outer space."
A star is born! On this day in 2011 (in the U.S.), Manborg came to life (cinematically, that is) when it played for the first time to audiences in attendance of the Fantastic Fest. Written (in part) and directed by Steven Kostanski, the SciFi/Comedy starred Matthew Kennedy, Adam Brooks, and Conor Sweeney. According to our friends at IMDB.com, here's the plot summary:
"A soldier, brought back to life as a cyborg, fights alongside a band of adventurers against demon hordes in a dystopian future."
For the record:
To the film's credit, Manborg enjoyed a wee bit of praise while playing on the film festival circuit.
"A soldier, brought back to life as a cyborg, fights alongside a band of adventurers against demon hordes in a dystopian future."
For the record:
To the film's credit, Manborg enjoyed a wee bit of praise while playing on the film festival circuit.
The end of life as we know it can cinematically come in several different perspectives, and on this day in 2011 a film regarding faith was released under the name of The Apocalypse. According to our friends at IMDB.com, here's the plot summary:
"In this epic disaster film of faith, a mother and father search for their only child as a giant asteroid headed for Earth triggers a series of apocalyptic events."
"In this epic disaster film of faith, a mother and father search for their only child as a giant asteroid headed for Earth triggers a series of apocalyptic events."
A star is born!
On this day in 2011 (in the U.S.), audiences in attendance of the Fantastic Fest were treated to the exclusive theatrical premiere of The Human Centipede 2 (Full Sequence). Written and directed by Tom Six, the Horror/Fantasy starred Laurence R. Harvey, Ashlynn Yennie, and Maddi Black. According to our friends at IMDB.com, here's the plot summary:
"Inspired by the fictional Dr. Heiter, disturbed loner Martin dreams of creating a 12-person centipede and sets out to realize his sick fantasy."
For the record:
At the 2012 Fangoria Chainsaw Awards, the film earned a nomination in the category of 'Best Limited-Release/Direct-To-Video Film.' It also took home top honors in the category of 'Worst Film.'
"Inspired by the fictional Dr. Heiter, disturbed loner Martin dreams of creating a 12-person centipede and sets out to realize his sick fantasy."
For the record:
At the 2012 Fangoria Chainsaw Awards, the film earned a nomination in the category of 'Best Limited-Release/Direct-To-Video Film.' It also took home top honors in the category of 'Worst Film.'
On this day in 2011 (in Germany), Transfer enjoyed a theatrical release. Directed by Damir Lukacevic, the SciFi/Drama starred B.J. Britt and Regine Nehy, and here's the plot summary as provided by IMDB.com:
"In a futuristic society where the wealthy get to live forever by swapping bodies with refugees, an elderly couple explores this opportunity with harsh consequences."
"In a futuristic society where the wealthy get to live forever by swapping bodies with refugees, an elderly couple explores this opportunity with harsh consequences."
On this day in 2012 (in Canada), Pegasus Vs Chimera played to the masses in front of their TV sets. Directed by John Bradshaw, the SciFi/Fantasy starred Sebastian Roché, Nazneed Contractor, and Rae Dawn Chong. According to our friends at IMDB.com, here's the plot summary:
"A father hunts with his son, slays a monstrous dragon and is confronted by a corrupt tyrant who forces them into battle."
"A father hunts with his son, slays a monstrous dragon and is confronted by a corrupt tyrant who forces them into battle."
On this day in 2013 (in Spain), there was a little something more than love in the air when Dragon Wasps enjoyed its airing out on television. Directed by Joe Knee from a script by Marc Atkins and Rafael Jordan, the SciFi/Thriller starred Corin Nemec, Dominika Juillet, and Nikolette Noel. According to our friends at IMDB.com, here's the plot summary:
"A scientist enlists the help of the US army to investigate the mysterious disappearance of her father deep in the Belizean jungle, but she gets caught in the crossfire between a brutal guerrilla army and giant mutated wasps."
"A scientist enlists the help of the US army to investigate the mysterious disappearance of her father deep in the Belizean jungle, but she gets caught in the crossfire between a brutal guerrilla army and giant mutated wasps."
On this day in 2015 (in Japan), audiences of the Sendai Short Film Festival were treated to a special screening of the 1902-produced A Trip To The Moon. Inspired by the work of Jules Verne, the film was directed by Georges Méliès, and it starred Victor André, Bleuette Bernon, and Jehanne d'Alcy. According to our friends at IMDB.com, here's the plot summary:
"An association of astronomers has convened to listen to the plan of Professor Barbenfouillis, their president, to fly to the moon. With the one dissenting voice quashed by Barbenfouillis and the other members, the plan is approved with Barbenfouillis choosing five others to accompany him. Most of the preparation for the trip is in building the vessel and launching mechanism, which resemble a large bullet and a large gun respectively. Hitting the moon in the eye, the six land safely at their destination. They find that much about the moon is wonderful and fantastical, but also that much is not what they would have liked to encounter as it is life threatening. They have to find a way to get out of their alien predicament to get back home safely."
"An association of astronomers has convened to listen to the plan of Professor Barbenfouillis, their president, to fly to the moon. With the one dissenting voice quashed by Barbenfouillis and the other members, the plan is approved with Barbenfouillis choosing five others to accompany him. Most of the preparation for the trip is in building the vessel and launching mechanism, which resemble a large bullet and a large gun respectively. Hitting the moon in the eye, the six land safely at their destination. They find that much about the moon is wonderful and fantastical, but also that much is not what they would have liked to encounter as it is life threatening. They have to find a way to get out of their alien predicament to get back home safely."
A star is born! On this day in 2015 (in the U.S. via the Internet), Campus Code enjoyed its premiere. Directed by the team of Cathy Scorsese and Kenneth M. Waddell, the SciFi/Thriller starred Jack Falahee, Hannah Hodson, and Alice Kremelberg. According to our friends at IMDB.com, here's the plot summary:
"Sensing something amiss on their college campus, a group of students go on a quest where they must survive unknown forces to find answers. Battling Guards, Griefers and at times each other, they'll have to fight to make it out alive!"
"Sensing something amiss on their college campus, a group of students go on a quest where they must survive unknown forces to find answers. Battling Guards, Griefers and at times each other, they'll have to fight to make it out alive!"
A star is born! On this day in 2016 (in the U.S.), The Void was first filled -- well, cinematically, that is -- when it was screened for audiences of the Fantastic Fest. Written and directed by the team of Jeremy Gillespie and Steven Kostanski, the Horror/Fantasy starred Aaron Poole, Kenneth Welsh, and Ellen Wong. According to our friends at IMDB.com, here's the plot summary:
"Shortly after delivering a patient to an understaffed hospital, a police officer experiences strange and violent occurrences seemingly linked to a group of mysterious hooded figures."
For the record:
To the film's credit, The Void earned a bit of extra attention from screenings of the film festival circuit.
"Shortly after delivering a patient to an understaffed hospital, a police officer experiences strange and violent occurrences seemingly linked to a group of mysterious hooded figures."
For the record:
To the film's credit, The Void earned a bit of extra attention from screenings of the film festival circuit.
A star is born! And it's undead again! On this day in 2017 (in the U.S.), Anna And The Apocalypse enjoyed its first screening ever for audiences in attendance of Fantastic Fest. Directed by John McPhail, the Horror/Comedy starred Ella Hunt, Malcolm Cumming, and Sarah Swire. According to our friends at IMDB.com, here's the plot summary:
"When the zombie apocalypse hits the sleepy town of Little Haven - at Christmas - teenager Anna and her high school friends have to fight, sing and dance to survive, with the undead horde all around them. Teaming up with her best friend John, Anna has to fight her way through zombified snowmen, Santas, elves and Christmas shoppers to get across town to the high school, where they'll be safe. But they soon discover that being a teenager is just as difficult as staying alive, even at the end of the world."
For the record:
To the film's credit, Anna And The Apocalypse enjoyed a good amount of praise, both from professional organizations and film festivals. At the 2019 Saturn Awards (sponsored by the Academy Of Science Fiction, Fantasy, And Horror Films), it was even nominated in the category of 'Best Independent Film.'
"When the zombie apocalypse hits the sleepy town of Little Haven - at Christmas - teenager Anna and her high school friends have to fight, sing and dance to survive, with the undead horde all around them. Teaming up with her best friend John, Anna has to fight her way through zombified snowmen, Santas, elves and Christmas shoppers to get across town to the high school, where they'll be safe. But they soon discover that being a teenager is just as difficult as staying alive, even at the end of the world."
For the record:
To the film's credit, Anna And The Apocalypse enjoyed a good amount of praise, both from professional organizations and film festivals. At the 2019 Saturn Awards (sponsored by the Academy Of Science Fiction, Fantasy, And Horror Films), it was even nominated in the category of 'Best Independent Film.'
On this day in 2017 (in Finland), Rendel: Dark Vengeance upped the ante on vigilante justice dished out with good old-fashioned violence. Written (in part) and directed by Jesse Haaja, the SciFi/Fantasy starred Kristofer Gummerus and Rami Rusinen, and here's the plot summary as provided by IMDB.com:
"A Finnish superhero, a masked vigilante Rendel seeks for revenge and fights against VALA, the huge criminal organization."
"A Finnish superhero, a masked vigilante Rendel seeks for revenge and fights against VALA, the huge criminal organization."
A star is born! On this day in 2017 (in the U.S.), the good people of Salt Lake City, Utah were treated to an exclusive theatrical engagement of Welcome To The Rubber Room. Written and directed by Trent Harris, the SciFi/Comedy starred Davey Morrison, Bill Allred, and Stefene Russell. According to our friends at IMDB.com, here's the plot summary:
"What good is art if it doesn't start a riot?"
"What good is art if it doesn't start a riot?"
On this day in 2017, Welcome To Willits blended Science Fiction, Horror, and Comedy in an unusual concoction. Directed by Trevor Ryan, the feature starred Bill Sage and Dolph Lundgren, and here's the plot summary as provided by IMDB.com:
"Deep in the Northern California woods, in the heart of the notorious Emerald Triangle, lies a remote cabin. The residents struggle to fight off the repeated attacks and abductions by mysterious creatures that have plagued them for years. When a local pot farmer is caught up with a wayward group of campers the situation quickly escalates into total carnage."
"Deep in the Northern California woods, in the heart of the notorious Emerald Triangle, lies a remote cabin. The residents struggle to fight off the repeated attacks and abductions by mysterious creatures that have plagued them for years. When a local pot farmer is caught up with a wayward group of campers the situation quickly escalates into total carnage."
A star is born! On this day in 2018 (in the U.S.), Overlord enjoyed its first theatrical presentation ever when it played for audiences in attendance of Fantastic Fest. Directed by Julius Avery, the Fantasy/Horror starred Jovan Adepo, Wyatt Russell, and Mathilde Ollivier. According to our friends at IMDB.com, here's the plot summary:
"A small group of American soldiers find horror behind enemy lines on the eve of D-Day."
For the record:
To the film's credit, Overlord enjoyed a nomination in the category of 'Best Wide-Release Film' at the 2019 Fangoria Chainsaw Awards. It also enjoyed a pair of Saturn Award nominations in the categories of 'Best Make-Up' and 'Best Horror Film.'
"A small group of American soldiers find horror behind enemy lines on the eve of D-Day."
For the record:
To the film's credit, Overlord enjoyed a nomination in the category of 'Best Wide-Release Film' at the 2019 Fangoria Chainsaw Awards. It also enjoyed a pair of Saturn Award nominations in the categories of 'Best Make-Up' and 'Best Horror Film.'
A star is born! On this day in 2018 (in the U.S.), Strange Nature enjoyed its first theatrical engagement ever. Written and directed by James Ojala, the SciFi/Horror starred Lisa Sheridan, Jonah Beres, and Bruce Bohne. According to our friends at IMDB.com, here's the plot summary:
"Eco-thriller that unravels how a small town in the Midwest deals with growing numbers of wildlife mutations and where they might lead."
"Eco-thriller that unravels how a small town in the Midwest deals with growing numbers of wildlife mutations and where they might lead."
A star is born! On this day in 2018 (in the U.S.), audiences in attendance of the Vermont International Film Festival were treated to the first theatrical engagement ever of Wetware. Written and directed by Jay Craven, the SciFi/Fantasy starred Jerry O'Connell, Cameron Scoggins, and Bret Lada. According to our friends at IMDB.com, here's the plot summary:
"We want the robots to fall in love and start controlling the people that created them ."
"We want the robots to fall in love and start controlling the people that created them ."
It all came down to this ...
On this day in 1962 (in the United Kingdom), Out Of This World bowed out of its original broadcast existence with the airing of "The Tycoons." According to our friends at IMDB.com, here's the plot summary:
"Oscar Raebone, a keen tax avoidance investigator for the Inland Revenue, is sent to look into the affairs of a company making novelties. He finds a strange group there calling themselves 'The Tycoons'."
On this day in 1962 (in the United Kingdom), Out Of This World bowed out of its original broadcast existence with the airing of "The Tycoons." According to our friends at IMDB.com, here's the plot summary:
"Oscar Raebone, a keen tax avoidance investigator for the Inland Revenue, is sent to look into the affairs of a company making novelties. He finds a strange group there calling themselves 'The Tycoons'."
On this day in 1965 (in the U.S.), Lost In Space aired "The Derelict." Officially, this served as the second episode in the program's first season, and here's the summary from IMDB.com:
"The Jupiter 2 is pulled into a giant ship occupied by bubble like creatures."
"The Jupiter 2 is pulled into a giant ship occupied by bubble like creatures."
On this day in 1966 (in the United Kingdom), Adam Adamant Lives! aired "The League Of Uncharitable Ladies." Officially, this served as the thirteenth episode in the program's first season; and here's the plot summary as provided by IMDB.com:
"The deaths of several important men leads Adamant to the Gentlewomen's Charity League. Georgie finds employment in the club's cloak room. But despite Adamant serving as a bodyguard, the League still manages to execute their next target."
"The deaths of several important men leads Adamant to the Gentlewomen's Charity League. Georgie finds employment in the club's cloak room. But despite Adamant serving as a bodyguard, the League still manages to execute their next target."
On this day in 1966 (in the U.S.), Star Trek aired "Where No Man Has Gone Before." Officially, this served as the third episode in the program's first season. Here's the plot summary as provided by IMDB.com:
"The flight recorder of the 200-year-old U.S.S. Valiant relays a tale of terror--a magnetic storm at the edge of the galaxy."
"The flight recorder of the 200-year-old U.S.S. Valiant relays a tale of terror--a magnetic storm at the edge of the galaxy."
On this day in 1967 (in the U.S.), Star Trek aired "Who Mourns For Adonais?" Officially, this served as the second episode in the program's second season. According to our friends at IMDB.com, here's the plot summary:
"A powerful being claiming to be the Greek god Apollo appears and demands that the crew of the Enterprise disembark onto his planet to worship him."
"A powerful being claiming to be the Greek god Apollo appears and demands that the crew of the Enterprise disembark onto his planet to worship him."
It all began right here ...
On this day in 1968 (in the U.S.), Irwin Allen's Land of the Giants aired "The Crash." Officially, this served as the first episode of the program's first season, and here's the plot summary from IMDB.com:
"In this, the pilot episode, a sub-orbital aircraft named the Spindrift flying from New York (Los Angeles in later episodes) is pulled into a space warp which transports its crew and passengers into another dimension. The ship eventually lands on a planet where everything is 12 times larger than normal. In their first night on the planet they are attacked by a giant cat and two of their party , Captain Steve Burton and jet set heiress Valerie Scott, are captured by a pair of giant scientists but are eventually rescued by the rest of the castaways. Unfortunately, they soon realize that for the time being they are stuck on this strange world."
On this day in 1968 (in the U.S.), Irwin Allen's Land of the Giants aired "The Crash." Officially, this served as the first episode of the program's first season, and here's the plot summary from IMDB.com:
"In this, the pilot episode, a sub-orbital aircraft named the Spindrift flying from New York (Los Angeles in later episodes) is pulled into a space warp which transports its crew and passengers into another dimension. The ship eventually lands on a planet where everything is 12 times larger than normal. In their first night on the planet they are attacked by a giant cat and two of their party , Captain Steve Burton and jet set heiress Valerie Scott, are captured by a pair of giant scientists but are eventually rescued by the rest of the castaways. Unfortunately, they soon realize that for the time being they are stuck on this strange world."
On this day in 1969 (in the United Kingdom), Counterstrike aired "On Ice." Officially, this served as the third episode in the program's only season in original broadcast existence; and here's the plot summary as provided by IMDB.com:
"A fungus that the other world need to support life is discovered at Arctic base. The base has lost contact with outside world so King and Mary travel to get it. Somebody among the crew will stop at nothing to get the fungus."
"A fungus that the other world need to support life is discovered at Arctic base. The base has lost contact with outside world so King and Mary travel to get it. Somebody among the crew will stop at nothing to get the fungus."
On this day in 1971 (in the United Kingdom), Ace Of Wands aired "The Eye of Ra: Part 1." Officially, this served as the tenth episode in the program's second season; and here's the plot summary as provided by IMDB.com:
"The Eye of Ra, a diamond reputed to have the power to turn people into chalk, is high on eccentric chess master Ceribraun's shopping list. Believing that the diamond has turned Mr Sweet into a chalk statuette, Tarot decides to act. He soon finds himself a prisoner of Ceribraun's talking computer, and in danger of being crushed of being crushed to death between giant robotic chess pieces."
"The Eye of Ra, a diamond reputed to have the power to turn people into chalk, is high on eccentric chess master Ceribraun's shopping list. Believing that the diamond has turned Mr Sweet into a chalk statuette, Tarot decides to act. He soon finds himself a prisoner of Ceribraun's talking computer, and in danger of being crushed of being crushed to death between giant robotic chess pieces."
It all began right here ...
On this day in 1973, the Canadian-produced sci-fi series The Starlost aired its first episode. The program was originally conceived by sci-fi scribe Harlan Ellison who -- as fate would have it -- ended up discrediting the whole affair before even a single frame had ever aired. (Ellison? TV? No match? Go figure!) However, The Starlost was embraced by a small but loyal following who stuck with it throughout its first and only season. Here's the episode summary condensed from a review over at IMDB.com:
"Devon, a pariah in his agrarian community Cypress Corners, has been denied the right to marry his beloved Rachel who is instead promised to village blacksmith Garth. Garth doesn't love Rachel, but he has been given her troth and resents Devon's claim to her. Devon doesn't understand why the computer/god the villagers worship would will Rachel to Garth instead of him. When he goes to confront the village elders he discovers they have been programming the computer to voice their own dictates. He runs to tell the others and try to claim Rachel as his. They don't believe him and chase after him to stone him to death. He escapes through a portal into a hi-tech labyrinth and via a very condescending and rude computer program learns that he is on the Ark - a 200 mile long spaceship. Cypress Corners - his whole world until moments earlier was merely a colony within a biosphere amongst the other biospheres which are remnants of a destroyed home world called Earth - a civilization which disintegrated in its 23rd century. Devon - written off as dead in Cypress Corners returns and escapes with Rachel. Garth follows setting the stage for their adventures aboard the Ark."
On this day in 1973, the Canadian-produced sci-fi series The Starlost aired its first episode. The program was originally conceived by sci-fi scribe Harlan Ellison who -- as fate would have it -- ended up discrediting the whole affair before even a single frame had ever aired. (Ellison? TV? No match? Go figure!) However, The Starlost was embraced by a small but loyal following who stuck with it throughout its first and only season. Here's the episode summary condensed from a review over at IMDB.com:
"Devon, a pariah in his agrarian community Cypress Corners, has been denied the right to marry his beloved Rachel who is instead promised to village blacksmith Garth. Garth doesn't love Rachel, but he has been given her troth and resents Devon's claim to her. Devon doesn't understand why the computer/god the villagers worship would will Rachel to Garth instead of him. When he goes to confront the village elders he discovers they have been programming the computer to voice their own dictates. He runs to tell the others and try to claim Rachel as his. They don't believe him and chase after him to stone him to death. He escapes through a portal into a hi-tech labyrinth and via a very condescending and rude computer program learns that he is on the Ark - a 200 mile long spaceship. Cypress Corners - his whole world until moments earlier was merely a colony within a biosphere amongst the other biospheres which are remnants of a destroyed home world called Earth - a civilization which disintegrated in its 23rd century. Devon - written off as dead in Cypress Corners returns and escapes with Rachel. Garth follows setting the stage for their adventures aboard the Ark."
On this day in 1975 (in the U.S.), The Invisible Man aired "Man Of Influence." Officially, this served as the third episode in the program's only season of original broadcast existence. According to our friends at IMDB.com, here's the plot summary:
"Dan is being asked to check out a spiritualist who claims to be able to contact the deceased. And it seems he has been able to contact some of the deceased loved ones of some of the country's top politicians who are telling them that they're on the wrong path."
"Dan is being asked to check out a spiritualist who claims to be able to contact the deceased. And it seems he has been able to contact some of the deceased loved ones of some of the country's top politicians who are telling them that they're on the wrong path."
The fourth episode of Star Maidens single season existence is an adventure titled "The Proton Storm." This first aired on this day in 1976, and -- according to our friends at IMDB.com -- here's the plot summary:
"The proton storm forces the Nemesis to return to Medusa, with Liz and Rudi held hostage aboard. Fulvia tries to return to earth to find Adam, but the storm throws the ship off course. Will Adam help?"
"The proton storm forces the Nemesis to return to Medusa, with Liz and Rudi held hostage aboard. Fulvia tries to return to earth to find Adam, but the storm throws the ship off course. Will Adam help?"
On this day in 1978 (in the U.S.), The Incredible Hulk aired "Married." Officially, this served as the first episode in the program's second season; and here's the plot summary as provided by IMDB.com:
"David and Carolyn marry in Honolulu, Hawaii and continue to work to find a cure for both their afflictions in a race against time."
"David and Carolyn marry in Honolulu, Hawaii and continue to work to find a cure for both their afflictions in a race against time."
On this day in 1978 (in the U.S.), Wonder Woman aired "My Teenage Idol Is Missing." Officially, this served as the first episode in the program's third (and final) season. Here's the plot summary as provided by our friends at IMDB.com:
"Criminal mastermind Raleigh Crichton abducts pop idol Lane Kincaid and replaces him with his twin brother Michael. Persistent fan Whitney Springfield witnesses the kidnapping. Although her rich and powerful father doesn't believe her, Whitney persuades Diana Prince to investigate."
"Criminal mastermind Raleigh Crichton abducts pop idol Lane Kincaid and replaces him with his twin brother Michael. Persistent fan Whitney Springfield witnesses the kidnapping. Although her rich and powerful father doesn't believe her, Whitney persuades Diana Prince to investigate."
On this day in 1979 (in the United Kingdom), Doctor Who aired "Destiny Of The Daleks: Part 4." Officially, this served as the fourth episode to the program's seventeenth season, and here's the plot summary as detailed by IMDB.com:
"To break the centuries-old stalemate in their war, the Movellans need the Doctor, as do the Daleks Davros. The solution is simple, but neither side can see it, nor would the Doctor upset this perfect and unplanned peace they've achieved. Davros, though, is another matter."
"To break the centuries-old stalemate in their war, the Movellans need the Doctor, as do the Daleks Davros. The solution is simple, but neither side can see it, nor would the Doctor upset this perfect and unplanned peace they've achieved. Davros, though, is another matter."
On this day in 1979 (in the U.S.), Jason Of Star Command aired "Frozen In Space." Officially, this served as the second episode of the program's second season, and here's the plot summary as provided by IMDB.com:
"A deadly Freeze Ray threatens Star Command. Jason and Samantha land on a remote planetoid and discover Dragos is behind the evil threat."
"A deadly Freeze Ray threatens Star Command. Jason and Samantha land on a remote planetoid and discover Dragos is behind the evil threat."
On this day in 1984 (in the U.S.), Airwolf aired "Sweet Britches." Officially, this served as the first episode of the popular program's second season, and here's the plot summary as provided by IMDB.com:
"String and Dom investigate a small town where a friend of theirs has disappeared. What they discover there is a little fiefdom controlled by an unfriendly sheriff named Bogan who doesn't like outsiders in his domain. When String starts poking around for his friend, Bogan arrests him and sets him loose on an 80,000 acre wildlife enclosure just outside the town. There, he becomes the game in a little hunt that just may cost him his life. As if that isn't enough, an attractive highway patrol deputy has also run afoul of the Sheriff and String and Dom must intervene before she becomes fodder for the sheriff's goons."
"String and Dom investigate a small town where a friend of theirs has disappeared. What they discover there is a little fiefdom controlled by an unfriendly sheriff named Bogan who doesn't like outsiders in his domain. When String starts poking around for his friend, Bogan arrests him and sets him loose on an 80,000 acre wildlife enclosure just outside the town. There, he becomes the game in a little hunt that just may cost him his life. As if that isn't enough, an attractive highway patrol deputy has also run afoul of the Sheriff and String and Dom must intervene before she becomes fodder for the sheriff's goons."
On this day in 1984 (in the United Kingdom), The Tripods aired "England: July, 2089 AD." Officially, this served as the second episode of the program's first season, and here's the plot summary as provided by IMDB.com:
"Will and Henry meet up with the vagrant, Ozymandias, who gives them a compass and a map to help them on their way. But, first they must find a boat captain who will help the two runaways cross the channel to France."
"Will and Henry meet up with the vagrant, Ozymandias, who gives them a compass and a map to help them on their way. But, first they must find a boat captain who will help the two runaways cross the channel to France."
On this day in 1986 (in the U.S.), Amazing Stories aired "The Wedding Ring." Officially, this served as the first episode in the program's second (and final) season. According to our friends at IMDB.com, here's the plot summary:
"When Herbert slips a mysterious ring onto the finger of his beloved wife as an anniversary gift, the weary waitress turns into a seductress. But delight turns to fright when Herbert spots deadly side effects."
"When Herbert slips a mysterious ring onto the finger of his beloved wife as an anniversary gift, the weary waitress turns into a seductress. But delight turns to fright when Herbert spots deadly side effects."
On this day in 1986 (in the U.S.), The Adventures of the Galaxy Rangers aired "Space Sorcerer." This (technically) served as the program's thirteenth episode (they were aired wildly out of order), and here's the plot summary from IMDB.com:
"An old colleague sends Niko a distress signal. Their people are being enslaved by a Space Sorcerer and his minions. The Rangers come to free them from his rule."
"An old colleague sends Niko a distress signal. Their people are being enslaved by a Space Sorcerer and his minions. The Rangers come to free them from his rule."
On this day in 1989 (in France), The Ray Bradbury Theater aired "Into The Chicago Abyss." Officially, this served as the ninth episode in the program's third season; and here's the plot summary as provided by IMDB.com:
"In a large city after an devastating holocaust, an old man is hunted by the police for the crime of reminding people of the good old days."
"In a large city after an devastating holocaust, an old man is hunted by the police for the crime of reminding people of the good old days."
Where were you on this day back in 1990? I can tell you where I was: I was sitting by the television waiting for the premiere of Star Trek: The Next Generation's fourth season! Are you kidding me?! I -- like all other Trek enthusiasts -- had waited all summer to find out the fate of Captain Picard and the Federation after the third season finale, "The Best of Both Worlds," showed me what one of the best hours to television ever could look like. Sure, Part 2 probably didn't live up to the hype so far as most were concerned, but I thought it wrapped up quite nicely.
On this day in 1992 (in the U.S.), Quantum Leap aired "Lee Harvey Oswald: Part 1." Officially, this served as the first episode in the program's fifth (and final) season; and here's the plot summary as provided by our friends at IMDB.com:
"Sam's leap takes a dramatic turn when he begins leaping randomly throughout the life of Lee Harvey Oswald, accused assassin of President John F. Kennedy. Matters are complicated further when Sam's mind becomes tangled with Oswald's."
"Sam's leap takes a dramatic turn when he begins leaping randomly throughout the life of Lee Harvey Oswald, accused assassin of President John F. Kennedy. Matters are complicated further when Sam's mind becomes tangled with Oswald's."
On this day in 1992 (in the U.S.), Quantum Leap aired "Lee Harvey Oswald: Part 2." Officially, this served as the second episode in the program's fifth (and final) season; and here's the plot summary as provided by our friends at IMDB.com:
"As the date for Dallas draws nearer, Oswald's personality is getting harder to control. Al is finding it harder to connect with Sam. Is Sam supposed to save the President, or unearth the conspiracy?"
"As the date for Dallas draws nearer, Oswald's personality is getting harder to control. Al is finding it harder to connect with Sam. Is Sam supposed to save the President, or unearth the conspiracy?"
On this day in 1993 (in Australia), The Girl From Tomorrow aired "The Great Disaster Begins." Officially, this served as the eleventh episode in the program's second (and final) season. Here's the plot summary as provided by our friends at IMDB.com:
"Pretending to be filmmakers, Alana, Nik and Silverthorn take the capsule to the top floor of a building to travel back to the year 2500."
"Pretending to be filmmakers, Alana, Nik and Silverthorn take the capsule to the top floor of a building to travel back to the year 2500."
On this day in 1995 (in the U.S.), The X-Files aired "The Blessing Way." Officially, this served as the first episode in the program's third season; and here's the plot summary as provided by IMDB.com:
"A furious pursuit of Agent Mulder is underway, and more importantly, the government wants the data tape he carried. Agent Scully, against all odds, searches to uncover his whereabouts, persisting that he is alive when all others deny it."
"A furious pursuit of Agent Mulder is underway, and more importantly, the government wants the data tape he carried. Agent Scully, against all odds, searches to uncover his whereabouts, persisting that he is alive when all others deny it."
On this day back in 1996 (in the U.S.), Babylon 5 brought its third season to a climactic end when it aired "Z'ha'dum." Here's the summary from IMDB.com:
"Sheridan goes to Z'Ha'Dum, to try and prevent the fall of Centauri Prime, and end the Shadow War. Secrets are revealed, and Kosh's warning haunts Sheridan."
"Sheridan goes to Z'Ha'Dum, to try and prevent the fall of Centauri Prime, and end the Shadow War. Secrets are revealed, and Kosh's warning haunts Sheridan."
On this day in 1996 (in the U.S.), Lois & Clark: The New Adventures Of Superman aired "Lord Of The Flys." Officially, this served as the first episode in the program's fourth (and final) season; and here's the plot summary as provided by IMDB.com:
"Lois and Clark miss each other dearly. En route to New Krypton, Clark learns that the evil Lord Nor is out to conquer earth, starting with Smallville, Kansas. The military has no way to thwart his plans. The Kryptonians head back to earth. Clark briefly meets Lois after he lands, after which the two decide to go to Smallville to rescue the Kents and the rest of the world."
"Lois and Clark miss each other dearly. En route to New Krypton, Clark learns that the evil Lord Nor is out to conquer earth, starting with Smallville, Kansas. The military has no way to thwart his plans. The Kryptonians head back to earth. Clark briefly meets Lois after he lands, after which the two decide to go to Smallville to rescue the Kents and the rest of the world."
On this day in 1997 (in the U.S.), Superman: The Animated Series aired "Double Dose." Officially, this served as the tenth episode in the program's second season; and here's the plot summary as provided by IMDB.com:
"Livewire escapes from prison, eager to attain revenge on Superman -- something that she hopes to achieve by teaming up with the Parasite."
"Livewire escapes from prison, eager to attain revenge on Superman -- something that she hopes to achieve by teaming up with the Parasite."
It all began right here ...
On this day in 1997 (in the U.S.), television dipped into the SciFi well once more for a serialized weekly adaptation of the major motion picture Timecop. Officially, this first adventure was titled "A Rip In Time," and here's the plot summary as provided by IMDB.com:
"Jack Logan travels to 1888 London in pursuit of a homicidal genius who has taken the place of Jack the Ripper."
On this day in 1997 (in the U.S.), television dipped into the SciFi well once more for a serialized weekly adaptation of the major motion picture Timecop. Officially, this first adventure was titled "A Rip In Time," and here's the plot summary as provided by IMDB.com:
"Jack Logan travels to 1888 London in pursuit of a homicidal genius who has taken the place of Jack the Ripper."
The sixth season opener for Star Trek: Voyager was "Equinox: Part 2," and that's one of those storylines I truly loved for the program. Specifically, what drew me to it was the fact that here were these two Starfleet crews that had suffered some of the same misfortune but, yet, when the chips were down the crews responded to everything entirely differently based on the dynamics of their respective command structures. It was interesting to see how two crew who were initially trained to handle these circumstances the same way evolved differently. Excellent writing and solid performances. It first aired on this day in 1999.
On this day in 2000 (in the U.S.), Stargate SG-1 aired "The Curse." Officially, this served as the thirteenth episode in the program's fourth season; and here's the plot summary as provided by IMDB.com:
"When one of Daniel's professors dies in a lab explosion which might be related to the Goa'uld, he comes back to Chicago to investigate what really happened."
"When one of Daniel's professors dies in a lab explosion which might be related to the Goa'uld, he comes back to Chicago to investigate what really happened."
On this day in 2000 (in the U.S.), The Invisible Man aired "Beholder." Officially, this served as the fourteenth episode in the program's first season; and here's the plot summary as provided by IMDB.com:
"Darien and Bobby are looking for an assassin known as the Chameleon who blinds anyone who may have witnessed his assassinations. The only lead is that he seems to spend time with a blind model. When the man shows up he blinds Darien."
"Darien and Bobby are looking for an assassin known as the Chameleon who blinds anyone who may have witnessed his assassinations. The only lead is that he seems to spend time with a blind model. When the man shows up he blinds Darien."
On this day in 2001 (in Canada), MythQuest aired "Minokichi." Officially, this served as the fifth episode in the program's only season of original broadcast existence. According to our friends at IMDB.com, here's the plot summary:
"A hair comb sends Alex to Japan where he becomes a vampire's mortal lover."
"A hair comb sends Alex to Japan where he becomes a vampire's mortal lover."
It all began right here ...
On this day in 2004 (in the U.S.), a phenomenon was born with the premiere of Lost. The first half of the two-part opener set the stage for some very, very curious events, and here's the plot summary as provided by IMDB.com:
"Forty-eight survivors of an airline flight originating from Australia, bound for the U.S., which crash-lands onto an unknown island 1000 miles off course, struggle to figure out a way to survive while trying to find a way to be rescued."
On this day in 2004 (in the U.S.), a phenomenon was born with the premiere of Lost. The first half of the two-part opener set the stage for some very, very curious events, and here's the plot summary as provided by IMDB.com:
"Forty-eight survivors of an airline flight originating from Australia, bound for the U.S., which crash-lands onto an unknown island 1000 miles off course, struggle to figure out a way to survive while trying to find a way to be rescued."
On this day in 2004 (in the U.S.), Smallville soared back onto the airwaves with its fourth season premiere, an hour aptly titled "Crusade." The episode summary (edited) as provided by IMDB.com is as follows:
"Lois Lane, the second cousin of Chloe Sullivan, arrives in Smallville trying to find the missing Clark Kent to help her to find Chloe's murderer. After being struck by a mysterious ray, she loses control of her car, and finds Clark naked with amnesia in a cornfield. She brings him to Smallville Medical Center, where Martha is with Jonathan Kent, who has been in an irreversible coma. Martha brings Clark back to the farm, expecting him to retrieve his memory. However, Clark is completely dehumanized, having been taken over by his alter-ego Kal-El, whose mission is to find three Kryptonian crystals to assemble into one."
"Lois Lane, the second cousin of Chloe Sullivan, arrives in Smallville trying to find the missing Clark Kent to help her to find Chloe's murderer. After being struck by a mysterious ray, she loses control of her car, and finds Clark naked with amnesia in a cornfield. She brings him to Smallville Medical Center, where Martha is with Jonathan Kent, who has been in an irreversible coma. Martha brings Clark back to the farm, expecting him to retrieve his memory. However, Clark is completely dehumanized, having been taken over by his alter-ego Kal-El, whose mission is to find three Kryptonian crystals to assemble into one."
On this day in 2006 (in the U.S.), Stargate: SG-1 aired "The Quest: Part 1." Officially, this served as the tenth episode to the program's tenth season, and here's the plot summary as detailed by IMDB.com:
"During their Quest for the Sangraal SG-1 must join forces with their enemy and face a real-life dragon."
"During their Quest for the Sangraal SG-1 must join forces with their enemy and face a real-life dragon."
On this day in 2006 (in the U.S.), Stargate: Atlantis aired "The Return: Part 1" as the tenth episode of the program's third season. According to our friends at IMDB.com, here's the plot summary:
"The Atlantis expedition must turn to an old friend for help as the Asurans prepare to invade the city."
"The Atlantis expedition must turn to an old friend for help as the Asurans prepare to invade the city."
It all began right here ...
On this day in 2008 (in Australia), Time Trackers morphed into existence with the airing of its very first episode, "Gadget 2008." According to our friends at IMDB.com:
"Troy's Gadget invention may be deleted by a time virus. Captain Wiremu of the time ship Chronos, attempts to save it."
On this day in 2008 (in Australia), Time Trackers morphed into existence with the airing of its very first episode, "Gadget 2008." According to our friends at IMDB.com:
"Troy's Gadget invention may be deleted by a time virus. Captain Wiremu of the time ship Chronos, attempts to save it."
On this day in 2012 (in the United Kingdom), Doctor Who aired "The Power Of Three." Officially, this served as the fourth episode of the program's seventh season, and here's the plot summary as provided by IMDB.com:
"Earth is suddenly visited by millions of small black cubes of unknown origin. The Doctor joins Amy, Rory and Rory's father, Brian, to help discover what these cubes bring for humanity."
"Earth is suddenly visited by millions of small black cubes of unknown origin. The Doctor joins Amy, Rory and Rory's father, Brian, to help discover what these cubes bring for humanity."
On this day in 2014 (in the U.S.), Under The Dome aired "Go Now." Officially, this served as the thirteenth episode in the program's second season; and here's the plot summary as provided by IMDB.com:
"A potential exit from the Dome is revealed just as the walls begin closing in on those trapped in Chester's Mill."
"A potential exit from the Dome is revealed just as the walls begin closing in on those trapped in Chester's Mill."
On this day in 2014 (in the United Kingdom), Wolfblood aired "With Friends Like These." Officially, this served as the third episode in the program's third season; and here's the plot summary as provided by IMDB.com:
"Tom, Rhydian and feral wolf-blood Aran are foraging for food for Jana and are almost caught on Liam's father's farmland. They escape but Tom is identified so Shannon covers by saying that she was there with him on a date. None of their class-mates believe them so they have to act as a couple, devastating Harry, who is still fond of Shannon. Ultimately they stage a lover's tiff to help end the charade. Aran sets out to return to the wild and is followed by Ceri, who gets caught in a trap. Rhydian saves her but they are photographed by Liam who says that he will go to the police. However Rhydian calls his bluff, claiming that the wolfbloods are a group of homeless travellers."
"Tom, Rhydian and feral wolf-blood Aran are foraging for food for Jana and are almost caught on Liam's father's farmland. They escape but Tom is identified so Shannon covers by saying that she was there with him on a date. None of their class-mates believe them so they have to act as a couple, devastating Harry, who is still fond of Shannon. Ultimately they stage a lover's tiff to help end the charade. Aran sets out to return to the wild and is followed by Ceri, who gets caught in a trap. Rhydian saves her but they are photographed by Liam who says that he will go to the police. However Rhydian calls his bluff, claiming that the wolfbloods are a group of homeless travellers."
On this day in 2016 (in the United Kingdom), Red Dwarf aired "Twentica." Officially, this served as the first episode in the program's eleventh season; and here's the plot summary as provided by IMDB.com:
"The Dwarfers find themselves in an alternative version of America where modern technology is prohibited, making Rimmer and Kryten illegal. The Dwarfers infiltrate the tech savvy underground and try to bring down the authoritarian regime."
"The Dwarfers find themselves in an alternative version of America where modern technology is prohibited, making Rimmer and Kryten illegal. The Dwarfers infiltrate the tech savvy underground and try to bring down the authoritarian regime."