While I wasn't as big a fan of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine as were so many others, I did think that the show often times had a great vibe that occasionally matched up with what Gene Roddenberry often tried to do with the original: it commented on modern times under the clever veil of Science Fiction and Fantasy. A great many of its earlier hours -- while somewhat forgettable as the show wore on -- thematically felt similar to the journeys of Kirk and company; but -- yes -- Deep Space Nine arguably wanted to go where no one had gone before into longer storytelling arcs, and the Dominion War was born. Still, the crew needed the necessary R&R, so the creation of the hip '60's lounge in the Holodeck -- one managed by Vic Fontaine -- was a wonderful distraction.
Was there anyone else in all of Tinseltown who could've played Vic Fontaine but James Darren?
Well, you can argue that all day long if you like, but consider me amongst those who thought the crooner and nightclub name was perfect. Darren was a fabulous addition to the program, once again kinda/sorta grounding it back in our Earthly reality at a time when the episodes were really pushing alien conflict. It felt organic. It felt needed, at times. And Darren did an incredible job bringing all of us back home again, if only for a tune or two.
Alas ... none of us lasts forever, and word reached the Information Superhighway late yesterday of the actor and singer's passing. Though his reach into the realms of the Fantastic was a bit slim for some, I for one am thrilled that we got to know him -- and that marvelous voice -- in the hours that we did.
Our warmest thoughts and prayers are extended to the family, friends, and fans of Mr. Darren.
May he rest in peace.
-- EZ