Why ... it's a great day -- and an even greater year -- to be alive, don't you think?
Folks, one of the promises I've made ever since beginning to explore the realms of the Fantastic is to share with all of you whenever I find a bit of fan-made and/or fan-based content that rises to the level of being passed along and shared as widely as possible. Now, this isn't an easy task, to be perfectly honest. What with the continued explosion of new content across a variety of platforms -- why, it seems there's a new outlet for fan interaction almost every season -- I've lost track of the ability to keep my thumb on the pulse of All Things SciFi, making the limitations of any one-man-shop a reality more and more every day. Still, I persevere -- not so much for me as I do for all of you -- and I keep fighting that good fight, heading forever uphill hoping that I can still do some good even at my advanced age.
That said, can I give a proper SciFi ShoutOut to the massively talented Danielle 'Dani' Soncasie?
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The truth is that I'd been following this author, thinker, speaker, and all-around-great-lady for a while on the Twitterverse, not knowing what an incredible author, thinker, speaker, and Super Nerd she was. Sure, sure, sure ... we'd swapped a Tweet or two, but then she gave me a heads up to her video essay -- The Secret Mission Of Science Fiction -- and with a title like that how could yours truly not check it out? So I did just evening, and it's a great listen that explores where Science Fiction came from, how it evolved, and what goal it might be secretly doing service to on behalf of all mankind. While I'll leave it up to each of you to listen at your leisure and make up your own mind about it -- such is my perspective -- I'm giving it a strong SciFi ShoutOut this morning, encouraging readers and thinkers alike to check it out.
As I've always said, fandom of this type doesn't come along every day; and it deserves to be celebrated when we see it. While any Tom, Dick, Harry, C-3PO, RD, and Gort can watch and review a movie, it takes a serious mind to put all of the pieces together in such a way that we recognize how all of these various influences converge in The Matrix that we've all living and sharing; and her kind of observations are exactly the stuff that makes entertainment worthy of a wider critical examination. We may not always agree -- such is life -- but various voices deserve to be heard; and here's hoping fandom takes notice.
As always, thanks for reading ... thanks for sharing ... thanks for being a fan ... and live long and prosper!
-- EZ