Now, I'm of the mindset that almost everything that appears in any major motion picture has a purpose. Every scene -- whether we know the subtext or not -- has its own reason to exist. Nothing ever gets chucked into one of these major productions without it having some core fundamental necessity. Everything ends up serving some goal, after all, and you don't waste any space when what matters most is great storytelling.
I think the original Star Wars -- yes, the one now known more widely as Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope -- was such a flick. George Lucas and his willing co-conspirators knew everything that was going to be chucked in here needed to have meaning; and I think it goes without saying that Star Wars has most definitely gone on to have a life entirely of its own. This, of course, isn't meant to suggest in any way possible that Lucas and company intended a scene or two to have the wider subtext it went on to possess: each of us gets to define 'art' for what it is to us, and that's mostly what I'm trying to get at in this post as respectfully as possible.
It's for this reason that I always thought that -- ahem -- there may've been more to the relationship between Princess Leia and Gold Leader Jon 'Dutch' Vander in that first film.
As I said above: hear me out, folks ...
In the picture above, it clearly looked to me -- back in the day -- and even today when I reconsider it that this young, brash leader of the Rebellion was throwing Dutch a glance over her shoulder. You know? One of those suggestive looks that says a bit more than a quick look about the room? And even he -- as played by actor Angus MacIness -- seems to be aware of her peering in his general direction, lowering his eyes as if to meet hers and say, "Yes, I'm here."
Now, I realize that to many of you that might come off as sounding as if I'm implying that there was some kind of romantic entanglement between the two of them. While I won't deny that thought crossed my mind as well, I'm far more inclined to think that it was quite possibly more of a friendship ... something a bit beyond just a regular acquaintance and perhaps they served on a mission of mercy together, grown a bit close as friends to one another in the heat of a battle or something ... and here, now that the Death Star was closing in for a potential kill shot she was thinking -- albeit briefly -- of the man's safety since he was heading out with other pilots to hold the Empire at bay for as long as was humanly possible.
Look at that picture ... go back and watch it unspool on film ... and tell me it doesn't look like it may've been something?
I know, I know, I know. That's crazy. But that's just how I'm wired as a film-watcher.
In any event, this comes up today because I read of MacInnes' passing; and I wanted to get up this brief memorial. It's always sad to lose folks during the silly season, and here's hoping he was surrounded by family during his final hours.
Our warmest prayers are extended to the family, friends, and fans of Angus MacInnes.
May he rest in peace.
-- EZ